Agenda item

Local Plan Consultation on Main Modifications and publication of temporary changes to the Statement of Community Involvement




Agreed to receive the Supplementary agenda adding annex 21 to the report submitted and:


(1) Noted and considered the proposed Main Modifications and changes to the supporting evidence base documents resulting from the Local Plan Examination including, specifically, the Proposed Main Modification for car parking.


(2) Agreed the Proposed Main Modifications and changes to supporting documents resulting from the Local Plan Examination (as set out in Annexes 2 – 16) being the subject of public consultation


(3) Agreed the proposed ‘minor’ changes following the Local Plan Examination and publish these for information (as set out in Annex 17)


(4) Agreed to publish a ‘composite’ Local Plan document (including Proposed Main Modifications and proposed ‘minor’ changes) for information (as set out in Annex 18)


(5) Agreed the recommended temporary amendments to the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (as set out in Annex 19) which sets out how the Council will undertake public consultation when preparing Local Plans and for this to be published


(6) Agreed the Equalities Impact Assessment informing the amended Statement of Community Involvement (as set out in Annex 20)


(7) Delegated responsibility to the Director of Neighbourhoods in consultation with the Leader of the Council, for the Council’s formal response to the Local Plan Inspector following the consultation (including the agreement of any further changes to the Main Modifications and supporting documents considered necessary)


(8) Agreed to publish the outcomes of the public consultation


(9) Noted that the current Local Development Scheme document will be revised and updated following the adoption of the Local Plan




Cabinet considered the report in relation to the Local Plan and the Main Modifications and changes following Examination hearings in 2018 and 2019.

Work was required to be undertaken as a result and proposed Main Modifications have been prepared that the Inspector considers are necessary to find the Local Plan ‘sound’.


The report outlined the progress through the Local Plan Examination process and sets out details of the proposed Modifications including those linked to parking, housing and gypsy and traveller matters.


This represents a very important milestone in the work on the Local Plan, which will help to ensure future development in Havering is of the highest quality.


Members noted the proposed Main Modifications and changes to some elements in the evidence base supporting the Local Plan. These matters will be the subject of a further period of public consultation in line with the regulations and legislation for the preparation of Local Plans.


The Government has emphasised the importance of plan-making continuing during the Covid 19 pandemic, as it wants to see Local Plans progressing through the plan-making system as a vital means for supporting the economic recovery. In line with this, the report brings forward recommended temporary changes to the Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement to set out how the Council will ensure that the public consultation is meaningful, open and accessible to all stakeholders including residents in Havering.


The outcome of the consultation will be reported back to the Planning Inspector and will then be the subject to a further report to Cabinet and ultimately to Full Council for a decision.




Agreed to receive the Supplementary agenda adding annex 21 to the report submitted and:


(1) Noted and considered the proposed Main Modifications and changes to the supporting evidence base documents resulting from the Local Plan Examination including, specifically, the Proposed Main Modification for car parking.


(2) Agreed the Proposed Main Modifications and changes to supporting documents resulting from the Local Plan Examination (as set out in Annexes 2 – 16) being the subject of public consultation


(3) Agreed the proposed ‘minor’ changes following the Local Plan Examination and publish these for information (as set out in Annex 17)


(4) Agreed to publish a ‘composite’ Local Plan document (including Proposed Main Modifications and proposed ‘minor’ changes) for information (as set out in Annex 18)


(5) Agreed the recommended temporary amendments to the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (as set out in Annex 19) which sets out how the Council will undertake public consultation when preparing Local Plans and for this to be published


(6) Agreed the Equalities Impact Assessment informing the amended Statement of Community Involvement (as set out in Annex 20)


(7) Delegated responsibility to the Director of Neighbourhoods in consultation with the Leader of the Council, for the Council’s formal response to the Local Plan Inspector following the consultation (including the agreement of any further changes to the Main Modifications and supporting documents considered necessary)


(8) Agreed to publish the outcomes of the public consultation


(9) Noted that the current Local Development Scheme document will be revised and updated following the adoption of the Local Plan


Supporting documents: