Agenda and decisions

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Luke Phimister tel: 01708 434619  e-mail:


No. Item



On behalf of the Chair, there will be an announcement about the arrangements in case of fire or other events that might require the meeting room or building’s evacuation.


Apologies for absence

(if any) - receive


Disclosures of Interest

Members are invited to disclose any interests in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting. Members may still disclose an interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.


Large Complex Works and Street Retrofit pdf icon PDF 499 KB

Additional documents:





1.     Approved the procurement of two contracts of a total value of up to £350m for a term of 10 years with the option to extend for 6 years, for the provision of major works, primarily for Council housing but with Corporate buildings within scope.


2.     Approved a waiver of the Council’s default evaluation criteria of 70% Price: 30% Quality and instead award the contracts on the MEAT basis of a 50% Quality, 40% Price, and 10% Social Value weighting for the reasons set out in Section 2 of this report, Procurement Proposals.


3.     Approved the use of the Mercell portal managed by Lumensol Limited, the Council’s appointed consultant, for reason set out in Section 2 of this report, Procurement Proposals.


4.     Delegated approval of the award of the contract and to enter into contract terms post tender with the winning bidder to the Strategic Director of Place, acting in consultation with the Lead Member for Housing, the Strategic Director of Resources and the Deputy Director of Legal & Governance.


5.     Delegated the award of works packages under the contract to the Strategic Director of Place, acting in consultation with the Lead Member for Housing.



Havering Town Hall roof replacement - Permission to tender pdf icon PDF 301 KB

Additional documents:




1.    Approved the commencement of a tendering process for the replacement of the existing flat roof, roof lanterns, to repair the existing parapet walls and the provision of Photovoltaic Panels (PV Panels) on the newly replaced flat roof areas, and replacement of HVAC units at Havering Town Hall, with a projected start date in June 2025 and completion in December 2025.


2.    Delegated authority to the Director of Place to award a contract to the successful bidder (in accordance with Section 16.3 of the CPRs).



Compliance Contracts Procurement pdf icon PDF 947 KB

Additional documents:




1.    Approved the procurement of a suite of six contracts each for a term of 10 years with the option to extend for 6 years with a maximum aggregate value of £94,050,000, for the provision of safety inspections and building compliance checks and works, primarily for Council housing but with Corporate buildings within scope each as set out in this report.


2.    Approved a waiver of the Council’s default evaluation criteria of 70% Price: 30% Quality and instead award the contracts on the MEAT basis of a 50% Quality, 40% Price, and 10% Social Value weighting for the reasons set out in Section 2 of this report, Procurement Proposals.


3.    Approved a waiver of the requirement to use the Council’s Fusion procurement portal and instead use the Mercell portal managed by Lumensol Limited, the Council’s appointed consultant, for reason set out in Section 2 of this report, Procurement Proposals.


4.    Delegated approval of the award of the contracts to the Strategic Director of Place, acting in consultation with the Lead Member for Housing, the Strategic Director of Resources and the Deputy Director of Legal & Governance subject to the value of the contracts not exceeding the values set out in this report.


5.    Delegated order of contract works/ services packages throughout the term of each contract to the Strategic Director of Place, acting in consultation with the Lead Member for Housing subject to budget availability for the relevant package.


Approval to award a contract for delivery of Electrical Services to HRA homes and communal areas pdf icon PDF 493 KB

Additional documents:





1.     Approved the procurement of a contract of a total value of up to £63million for a term of 10 years with the option to extend for 6 years, for the provision of Electrical system maintenance, safety inspections and renewal services, primarily for Council housing but with Corporate buildings within scope.


2.     Approved a waiver of the Council’s default evaluation criteria of 70% Price: 30% Quality and instead award the contracts on the MEAT basis of a 50% Quality, 40% Price, and 10% Social Value weighting for the reasons set out in Section 2 of this report, Procurement Proposals.


3.     Approved the use of Mercell portal managed by Lumensol Limited, the Council’s appointed consultant, for reason set out in Section 2 of this report, Procurement Proposals.


4.     Delegated approval of the award of the contract and to enter into contract terms post tender with the winning bidder to the Strategic Director of Place, acting in consultation with the Lead Member for Housing, the Strategic Director of Resources and the Deputy Director of Legal & Governance.


5.     Delegated the award of works packages under the contract to the Strategic Director of Place, acting in consultation with the Lead Member for Housing.



7 Year Cyclical Decorations Programme pdf icon PDF 455 KB

Additional documents:




1.     Approved the award of a contract to Trident Maintenance Services Ltd for a period of seven years for the maximum value of £20 million, subject to continued good performance, to deliver cyclical decorations and associated repair works in respect of HRA properties.


2.     Noted that Leaseholders were consulted prior to tender. A Stage 2 notice would be issued and run concurrent with the Cabinet approval process and no award would be made until satisfactory conclusion of the consultation process.


Roof Replacements 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 184 KB

Additional documents:





1.     Approved the procurement of a contract with a total value of up to £4,000,000 to the end of Financial Year 25/26, for the replacement of roofs to HRA properties across the Council.


2.     Delegated approval of the award of the contract, contract terms and completion to the Strategic Director of Place, acting in consultation with the Strategic Director of Resources and the Deputy Director of Legal & Governance



Corporate Plan 2024-27: Q1 Performance Report (2024/25) pdf icon PDF 503 KB




Considered and noted the levels of performance set out in the quarter one PowerBI report.