Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall

Contact: Bernadette Lynch tel: 01708 434849  e-mail:


No. Item



On behalf of the Chairman, there will be an announcement about the arrangements in case of fire or other events that might require the meeting room or building’s evacuation.


Members were advised of the Fire Safety procedures in the Council Chamber.



Members were advised of the Fire Safety procedures in the Council Chamber.



Apologies for absence

(if any) - receive


Apologies received from Councillor Keith Darvill, Councillor Paul McGeary and Councillor Graham Williamson (Cllr Williamson attended via the video-conference link for the duration of the meeting and presented report item 6).


Apologies received from Councillor Paul McGeary and Councillor Keith Darvill.

Cllr Graham Williamson also sent apologies, but attended via the video conference facility to present a report.


Disclosures of Interest

Members are invited to disclose any interests in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting. Members may still disclose an interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.


There were no disclosures of interests.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 439 KB

To approve as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 19th July 2023, and to authorise the Chairman to sign them.


The minutes of the meeting held on 19th July 2023, were agreed as a correct record and the Chair signed them.


The minutes of the meeting held on 19th July 2023, were agreed as a correct record and the Chair signed them.


All Age Carers Strategy pdf icon PDF 210 KB

Additional documents:



Carer’s Strategy 2023-2026.

The Cabinet approved the implementation of the Carer’s Strategy 2023-2026.





Carer’s Strategy 2023-2026. A strategy for those of all ages who provide informal and unpaid care in Havering.


The report was introduced by Councillor Gillian Ford, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Care Services.


The Carer’s Strategy focusses on unpaid Carers (those who provide unpaid and informal care to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 110.


Site Disposals under the Asset Disposal Programme 2022-2028 pdf icon PDF 390 KB

Additional documents:


Site Disposals under the Asset Disposal Programme 2022-2028


Cabinet agreed the recommendations below:


·        Confirmed authority to the Assistant Director Housing, Property and Assets to dispose the following assets having considered the outcome of a statutory consultation relating to the removal of the car parks from the Council’s off street parking, modification of Traffic Management Orders and pursuant to the Cabinet decision of 8 February 2023:


o   Como Street Car Park, RM7 7DN

o   Keswick Avenue Car Park, RM11 1XR

o   Dorrington Gardens Car Park, RM12 4HX

o   Angel Way Multi-storey Car Park, RM1 1HR


·        Noted that the potential disposal of Slaney Road car park will be the subject of further appraisal to consider the potential retention of part of the existing site   


·        Noted that in the exercise of delegated authority, any disposal to Mercury Land Holdings would be subject to the terms for any interim lease-back of operational assets and/or subsequent buy-back of assets not subsequently progressed by Mercury Land Holdings, as set out in the previous report to Cabinet on 8th February 2023.


·        Declared the following assets as surplus to the Council’s operational requirements:


o   Mercury House, 11 Western Rd, Romford, RM1 3RL

o   Gays Field, Jubilee Close, Romford, RM7 9LU

o   Land at Bedale Road/Tiverton Road, Harold Hill, RM3 9TU


·        Delegated authority to the Assistant Director Housing, Property and Assets in consultation with the Deputy Director of Legal and Democratic Services to appropriate the Group Homes at 79/ 81 Maybank Avenue, Hornchurch, RM12 5SH from the General Fund to the Housing Revenue Act. Such appropriation to be exercised in the event that there is a requirement for the properties by the Council’s housing acquisition program. Otherwise, the properties are to be declared surplus to the Council’s operational requirements.


·        Agreed to the disposal of the assets identified within Appendix A at values representing the best consideration reasonably obtainable to the Council, subject to any required consultation relating to public open space


·        Delegated authority to the Assistant Director Housing, Property and Assets to decide upon the most appropriate disposal method for each asset and should that be considered to be auction, such authority to be exercised in consultation with the Lead Member for Development & Regeneration to agree appropriate reserve values for the properties.


·        Delegated authority to the Assistant Director Housing, Property and Assets in consultation with the Deputy Director of Legal and Democratic Services to conduct all appropriate steps to progress and conclude the asset disposals in a manner that satisfies all legal/regulatory requirements.


·        Agreed, in principle, that the following sites should be appropriated (where necessary) for planning purposes with a view to their subsequent disposal:


o   Land at Bedale Road/Tiverton Road, Harold Hill, RM3 9TU

o   Gays Field, Jubilee Close, Romford, RM7 9LU

o   Como Street Car Park, RM7 7DN

o   Keswick Avenue Car Park, RM11 1XR

o   Dorrington Gardens Car Park, RM12 4HX

o   Angel Way Multi-storey Car Park, RM1 1HR



·        Delegated authority to the Assistant Director Housing, Property and Assets in consultation with the Deputy Director  ...  view the full decision text for item 111.



Site Disposals under the Asset Disposal Programme 2022-2028

The report was introduced by Councillor Graham Williamson (via zoom) – Cabinet Member for Development and Regeneration


This report follows on from the Cabinet decision of 8th February 2023, which adopted a medium-term asset disposal programme to provide a sustainable asset  ...  view the full minutes text for item 111.


The LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Report and Action Plan pdf icon PDF 314 KB

Additional documents:


The LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Report and Action Plan


Cabinet agreed:


·        The Action Plan

·        The Senior Leadership Team are collectively the “Lead Officers” for delivery

·        Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Board review progress against the Action Plan on a six monthly basis.



The LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Report and Action Plan


This report focuses on the Council’s Action Plan, developed in response to the Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge Review Team’s key improvement recommendations.


It is proposed that the Action Plan is approved and monitored on a six monthly basis to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 112.


The Race, Equality, Accessibility, Diversity, Inclusion (READI) Programme Review pdf icon PDF 393 KB

Additional documents:



Race, Equality, Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion (READI) Programme Review.


The Cabinet agreed the recommendations


·        Cabinet noted the READI Programme Review Progress update in Appendix 1.

·        All Members continue their support of the READI Programme (Members signed their commitment to the Havering pledge upon election).


The Cabinet approved the action plan.



Race, Equality, Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion (READI) Programme Review.


1.1 In May 2021 the Council commissioned an independent Race, Equality, Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion (READI) peer review by the LGA.

1.2  The review was a commissioned as a pro-active one to ensure the Council was undertaking its statutory Equalities Duties.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 113.