Agenda item
The Race, Equality, Accessibility, Diversity, Inclusion (READI) Programme Review
- Meeting of Cabinet, Wednesday, 9th August, 2023 7.30 pm (Item 113.)
- View the background to item 113.
Race, Equality, Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion (READI) Programme Review.
The Cabinet agreed the recommendations
· Cabinet noted the READI Programme Review Progress update in Appendix 1.
· All Members continue their support of the READI Programme (Members signed their commitment to the Havering pledge upon election).
The Cabinet approved the action plan.
Race, Equality, Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion (READI) Programme Review.
1.1 In May 2021 the Council commissioned an independent Race, Equality, Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion (READI) peer review by the LGA.
1.2 The review was a commissioned as a pro-active one to ensure the Council was undertaking its statutory Equalities Duties. The review focused on internal policies, procedures and sought experience of staff both in the workplace and undertaking their front-line duties. The review was undertaken by an experienced external team and followed the LGAs scope with a particular emphasis on race.
1.3 All those that took part did so on the understanding that contributions made were in confidence and for the sole use of the LGA peer team, whose report would be made public and include improvement recommendations. This is fully in-line with the LGAs sector offer.
1.4 The LGAs report was published at the 10th November 2021 Cabinet, along with the Councils Action Plan to deliver the improvement recommendations.
1.5 This report provides an update on the progress against the agreed action plan to achieve the improvement recommendations. A further detailed progress update will be provided to staff by the READI Programme Team in due course.
1.6 Havering’s Vision and Corporate Plan agreed in November 2022 reaffirms its commitment for Havering as a safe place and committed to equality of opportunity for all.
1.7 Underpinning this, Havering has a clear zero tolerance to racism and discrimination of any kind, including providers of Council Services.
1.8 All Members, Staff, and third party providers are responsible for complying with the Equalities Act requirements and advancing Equality and Diversity and fostering good relations.
1.9 Council reports require authors to consider, comment on and address issues that arise from an Equality and Diversity consideration.
1.10 Both Members and Officers have access to Equality and Diversity Training and there are mandatory Equality and Diversity objectives in staff Personal Development Review
The Cabinet agreed the recommendations
· Cabinet noted the READI Programme Review Progress update in Appendix 1.
· All Members agreed their continued their support of the READI Programme (Members signed their commitment to the Havering pledge upon election).
The Cabinet approved the action plan.
Supporting documents:
8.0 READI Cabinet Report August, item 113.
PDF 393 KB
8.1 READI Action Plan Update August 2023, item 113.
PDF 379 KB