Agenda and minutes
Venue: Havering Town Hall, Main Road, Romford
Contact: Richard Cursons 01708 432430 Email:
No. | Item |
DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Members are invited to disclose any interest in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting.
Members may still disclose any interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.
Minutes: Councillors Osman Dervish, Robert Benham and Damian White declared a prejudicial interest in item 5 on the agenda as being Cabinet members and that they were originally part of the decision making process. |
CALL-IN OF A CABINET DECISION RELATING TO PUBLIC REALM TRANSFORMATION PDF 160 KB Report and appendices attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: The report before Members detailed the call-in of a Cabinet decision relating to the Public Realm Transformation. A requisition signed by Councillors Morgon, Darvill, Hawthorn, Mugglestone, Wilkins and Williamson had called-in the Cabinet decision. The grounds for the call-in were as follows:
1) To review and give greater scrutiny of the preferred option of ‘outsourcing’ the services currently provided ‘in house’.
2) To review and scrutinise the alternative options set out in the report to Cabinet( ‘the Report’)
3) To examine how the proposal will improve the delivery of services.
4) To examine how the proposal will improve the way in which Havering looks and feels.
5) To review and consider the Cost Modelling & Financial Assessment set out in Part 11 of the Report.
6) To review and consider the assessment of qualitative factors and risks set out in Part 12 of the Report.
7) To review and consider the implications and risks set out in Part 13 of the Report.
8) To review and consider the Human Resources implications and risks set out in Part 15 of the Report.
9) To understand and evaluate the specification used in the soft market testing, in particular the proposed Service Level Agreement and the intended measured performance targets.
10) To understand and evaluate the Governance arrangements between the council and the contractor, together with how the contract will be managed by the streamlined Client team.
11) To understand and evaluate the interfacing of IT systems between the council and the contractor and how performance will be self-monitored by the use of effective technology.
12) To understand and evaluate the anticipated efficiency savings.
13)To understand and evaluate the payment by performance mechanism and how in the contract this will be articulated.
14) To understand and evaluate the roles of staff who will remain employed by the council after the proposed contract commences.
15) To understand the breakdown between statutory and non-statutory services proposed in the contract.
16) To evaluate and review the benchmarking data for the council against other London Councils.
17) To evaluate and review the information and data collated by Eunomia, in particular a full breakdown of cost assumptions.
18) To understand and evaluate increased income generation from the contract.
19) To identify and evaluate the stopping of lower priority activities.
20) To understand and evaluate the data provided to potential bidders.
21) To understand and review the wider corporate cost implications if the contract is outsourced, including existing depots, vehicles and equipment.
22) To understand and review the impact on operational managers and the Client Team in the event of the contract being outsourced.
23) To understand and evaluate the impact on the Pension Fund if the contractor achieves Admitted Body Status.
24) To understand and evaluate which services will be retained and which services will be outsourced, together with the rationale for this proposal.
25) To understand and evaluate what opportunities were provided to in-house staff to bid for the contract.
The following response to the questions, had ... view the full minutes text for item 2. |