Agenda and decisions

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall

Contact: Bernadette Lynch tel: 01708 434849  e-mail:


No. Item



On behalf of the Chair, there will be an announcement about the arrangements in case of fire or other events that might require the meeting room or building’s evacuation.


Apologies for absence

(if any) - receive


Disclosures of Interest

Members are invited to disclose any interests in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting. Members may still disclose an interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 457 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 14th Augst 2024, and to authorise the Chair to sign them.


Romford Masterplan formal consultation pdf icon PDF 632 KB

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Additional documents:




1.          Agreed the publication of the Draft Romford Masterplan and associated documents as set out below for a minimum 6-week period of statutory public consultation under regulation 12 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, with an anticipated start date in late September 2024.


2.          Agreed the following documents to be published:


-          Final Consultation Draft Romford Masterplan

-          Romford Masterplan Baseline Report

-          Romford Masterplan Baseline Report Appendix – Heritage Audit

-          Romford Masterplan Engagement Summary Report 2024

-          Romford Masterplan Engagement Summary Report 2019

-          Romford Masterplan Health Impact Assessment 2024

-          Findings of No Significant Effect Report



Housing Services - Hate Crime Policy (2024) pdf icon PDF 241 KB

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Additional documents:




1.     Agreed the safety of residents and the reputation of the Council would benefit from clearly declaring and communicating its position concerning Hate Crime; defining the consequences for the perpetrators and the support available to victims/witnesses.


2.     Approved the policy.


Housing Services - Domestic Abuse policy (2024) pdf icon PDF 244 KB

Documents attached

Additional documents:




1.     Agreed the safety of residents and the reputation of the Council would benefit from clearly declaring and communicating its position concerning Domestic Abuse.


2.    Approved the policy.


Housing Anti-social Behaviour Policy (2024) pdf icon PDF 381 KB

Documents attached

Additional documents:




1.     Agreed the reputation of the Council would benefit from clearly stating and communicating its position concerning ASB; defining the consequences for perpetrators and the support available to victims and witnesses.


2.     Approved the policy.


SEND & Alternative Provision Strategy pdf icon PDF 275 KB

Documents attached

Additional documents:




1.    Agreed the SEND & AP Strategy.


Energy Contracts 2024-28 - Renewal pdf icon PDF 359 KB

Documents attached

Additional documents:




1.     Approved entering into an access agreement with Kent County Council, trading as LASER, so the Council can access framework agreements for Electricity (Flex 2024-2028, Framework Number: Y22009) and Gas (Flex 2024-2028 Framework Number: Y22008).


2.     Approved the award of an electricity supply contract under LASER framework agreement Y22009, to Npower Commercial Gas Limited (Company number 03768856) (Npower), for the period of four years commencing on 1 April 2025 and expiring on 31 March 2029, with an estimated value of £14m) and with one year’s extension option with an estimated value of £17.5m.


3.     Approved the award of a gas supply contract under LASER framework agreement Y22008 to Corona Energy Retail 4 Ltd (Company number 02798334) (Corona) for the period of four years commencing on 1 April 2025 and expiring on 31 March 2029, with an estimated value of £7.2m, with an option to extend for one year with an estimated value of £9m.


4.     Approved the use of LASER’s ‘Price Certainty’ energy buying strategy for both electricity and gas.


5.     Approved the use of LASER’s ‘Procurement Only Service Option’ (POSO)



Council's Commercial Strategy pdf icon PDF 264 KB

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Additional documents:




1.    Approved the Commercial Strategy and the Action Plan.


2.    Agreed to the resourcing of the Strategic and Operational Boards.



North East London Joint Sexual & Reproductive Health Strategy (2024 – 2029) pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Documents attached

Additional documents:




1.    Approved and adopted the North East London Joint Sexual & Reproductive Health Strategy (2024-2029)


2.    Approved the proposed governance arrangements under the Havering Place-based Partnership for oversight of the development and implementation of a Havering action plan.