Agenda and minutes

Highways Advisory Committee - Tuesday, 21st February, 2012 7.30 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Main Road, Romford

Contact: Taiwo Adeoye 01708 433079  Email:

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 116 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on  24 January 2012, and to authorise the Chairman to sign them.



The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 24 January 2012 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



SUSTRANS CONNECT 2 - Phases 2 & 3 Highway Works (Pages Wood to Rainham Village) pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Report Attached


Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report that recommended that various highway improvement works between Pages Wood (Harold Wood) and Rainham Village are approved for implementation to support the Sustrans Connect 2 scheme, following the completion of public consultation.


At its meeting of 15 July 2009, the Council’s Cabinet approved the Sustrans Connect2 scheme for the Ingrebourne Valley in principle. This approval was subject to funding (with Cabinet Member for Regeneration approvals for each phase) and various consents being in place.


The scheme was supported with £880,000 of Big Lottery grant funding provided through Sustrans and additional Council capital funding, grants via the Transport for London Local Implementation Plan and Veolia Havering Riverside Trust.


The scheme’s overarching aim was to improve local travel in 79 communities around the UK by creating new walking and cycling networks for everyday journeys.


By means of bridges, tunnels and other crossings, barriers such as busy roads, rivers and railways can be overcome to make travelling on foot or bike easier and more direct. With each new crossing linking to a local network of walking and cycling routes, there will be direct access to local schools, shops and workplaces, as well as green spaces.


In terms of design, the route was being designed for pedestrians, both the experienced and inexperienced cyclist and equestrian riders where possible.


Sustrans and the Council were promoting a scheme for the Ingrebourne Valley which would build on, connect to and improve existing routes, some of which had been in place for some time.


The 13 mile route, called the “Ingrebourne Way” would form the new National Cycle Route No.136, starting in Noak Hill and ending at Rainham Marshes, running through Harold Hill, Harold Wood, Harold Park, Cranham, Upminster, Hornchurch, Elm Park and South Hornchurch.


The project was split into three phases with Phase 1 (Noak Hill to Pages Wood) had been completed.


The current focus of activity was now Phases 2 & 3 which would complete the scheme between Pages Wood and Rainham Marshes by March 2013.


As well as any statutory consultation processes, the project was overseen by the Connect 2 Steering Group which sought to engage various stakeholders in the development of the route. The group included Council Staff, Sustrans, local walking and cycling groups, Forestry Commission, Environment Agency, biodiversity groups and others as required.


The route and design of the various features had also been reviewed by Sustrans both from a network planning and engineering point of view and fully acceptable to the organisation.

In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by three residents who expressed their views for and against parts of the scheme.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements, the Committee was addressed by an objector followed by two speakers in support of the scheme.

With its agreement Councillor Tebbutt addressed the Committee. Councillor Tebbutt raised questions in relation to the proposed move of the bus stop; external funding; public consultation requirements. 


During the debate members raised general concerns  ...  view the full minutes text for item 70.


395 - 405 BRENTWOOD ROAD (Lay-by Parking Controls) pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Report to follow if available

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report and after a brief debate, RESOLVED to reject the recommendations of the report. The Committee considered that the scheme would be suitable for inclusion as part of a comprehensive parking review for the area.



SCHOOL CROSSING PATROL IMPROVEMENTS - Rainham Village Primary School pdf icon PDF 34 KB

Report to follow if available


The report before the Committee recommended improvement works to the school crossing facility outside Rainham Village Primary School following the completion of public consultation.


During a brief debate the Committee questioned whether the east bound bus stop outside the clinic could be better placed by moving it towards Rainham Village to allow for drop offs at the clinic. 


A motion was moved to recommend the implementation of the scheme with further consideration given to the positioning of the east bound bus stop by the Head of Street Care in conjunction with London Buses. The motion was seconded.


The Committee RESOLVED:


1.To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the work to the pedestrian crossing facility outside Rainham Village Primary School be approved for implementation as shown on drawing: QK009/NC/41.A


2.To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the addition of two new bus stop clear ways on Upminster Road South and in the vicinity of Rainham Village Primary School be approved for implementation the position of the east bound bus stop is to be the subject of a further review by the Head of Street care in conjunction with London Buses whose findings will be presented to this in a further report to this committee. 


3.That it be noted that the estimated cost of the scheme would be £600 which would be met from the 2011/12 Transport for London Local Implementation Plan allocation for School Travel Plans Implementation.




PROPOSED PARKING SCHEMES - Comments to advertised proposals pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Report to follow if available


Each scheme was presented to the Committee and voted on as a separate item


1.      Oldchurch Road/ Dagenham Road – Drawing No. DAG/01/03


The Committee considered the report and without debate, RESOLVED to recommend implementation of the scheme.


2.      Heather Glen– Drawing No. HG/01/01


The Committee considered the report and after a short debate, a motion was moved to reject the scheme on the basis that the scheme would not solve the parking problems on the road.


The motion was seconded.


The Committee RESOLVED that the scheme be rejected. 


3.      Pond Walk – Drawing No. FLP/01/01


The Committee considered the report and after a short debate amotion was moved toimplement the ‘At any time’ waiting restriction as advertised and shown on drawing FLP/01/01 and to reject the proposed 8.00am – 6.30pm waiting restriction. The motion was seconded.


The Committee RESOLVED to recommend implementation the ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions by 7 votes in favour to 1 against.


4.      Collier Row Road, Clockhouse Lane and Associated Waiting Restrictions – Drawing Nos. QK056-OF-101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108. FLP/01/01


The Committee considered the report and after a short debate amotion was moved toimplement the scheme with the following amendments:

·        proposed free parking bay on drawing QK056-0F-102 to be changed to residents bay to assist residents of flats and shopkeepers

·        proposed free parking bay on drawing QK056-0F-103 to be changed to residents bay

·        proposed free parking bay on drawing QK056-0F-107 to be changed to residents bay


The motionwas seconded.


The Committee RESOLVED to recommend the scheme as amended.



5.      Hacton School


The Committee considered the report and after a short debate, a motion was moved to reject the scheme. The motion was seconded.


The Committee RESOLVED to reject the scheme.


6.      Clunas Gardens – Drawing No. QJ123-OF-101


Without debate, a motion was moved to reject the scheme. The motion was seconded.


The Committee RESOLVED to reject the scheme by 7 votes in favour to 1 against.




The Committee is requested to consider the report relating to Highways Schemes Applications

Additional documents:


The report presented Members with all new highway schemes requests in order for a decision to be made on whether the scheme should progress or not before resources were expended on detailed design and consultation.


The Committee would either make recommendations to the Head of StreetCare to progress the scheme or the Committee would reject the request.


The Committee considered and agreed in principle the schedule that detailed the applications received by the service en bloc.


The Committee’s decisions were noted as follows against each request:



Item Ref




SECTION B - Highway scheme proposals without funding available


Lodge Lane, Near Frinton Road

Request for zebra crossing

Feasible but not funded



Lodge Avenue, crossing outside Gidea Park school

160 signature request for zebra crossing outside Gidea Park School because parking makes it difficult for pedestrians to see and be seen

A zebra crossing would only be used twice a day and rarely out of school hours. Motorists may become used to nobody crossing and so reduces impact. Would remove residents' parking on a permanent basis. It might be better to look at a speed table with additional school keep clear restrictions, which would remove residents' parking, but not all the time. May be held for future STP bid.



Main Road

160 signature request for pedestrian guardrail along substantial length of Main Road.

Exiting footways are wide and we do not believe there is justification. Will not provide physical protection from errant vehicles, creates a safety issue for cyclists (pinned between vehicles and PGR), pedestrians will walk the wrong side and costly.



Junction Road

160 signature request for pelican crossing at entry to Junction Road

Pelican crossings should not be placed within 15 metres of a junction because of the risk of motorists assuming the whole junction is controlled by traffic signals. Those seeing a green light may assume priority in the junction and so creates a significant crash risk. Placing a pelican crossing further into Junction road would mean that pedestrians are unlikely to divert into the road to use is and therefore it would be a little used and costly scheme.



Pettitis Lane

160 signature request for pedestrian guardrail at Pettits Lane

Exiting footways are wide and we do not believe there is justification. Will not provide physical protection from errant vehicles, creates a safety issue for cyclists (pinned between vehicles and PGR), pedestrians will walk the wrong side and costly.







The Committee is requested to consider the report relating to Minor Traffic and Parking Schemes.


Additional documents:


The report before the Committee detailed all Minor Traffic and Parking Scheme application requests in order for a decision to be made on whether the scheme should progress or not before resources were expended on detailed design and consultation.


The Committee would either make recommendations to the Head of StreetCare to progress the scheme or the Committee would reject the request.


The Committee considered and agreed in principle the schedule that detailed the applications received by the service.


The Committee’s decisions were noted as follows against each scheme:



Item Ref




SECTION A – Minor Traffic and Parking Scheme Requests


Market Link/Ducking Stool/The Mews

Request for double yellow lines and a no waiting/no loading ban due to serious obstruction and road safety issues for Market Traders particularly from 5am



London Road, Romford

Request to remove existing parking bays and install yellow line restrictions outside Ilford Motors, 137-143 London Road to prevent parked vehicles obscuring the view of passing trade.



Norfolk Road, Upminster

Request for Residents Parking Scheme - resident in rented property with no off street parking



Windermere Avenue, Elm Park

Request to review marked bays in Windermere Ave and install junction protection at the junction with St Andrews Ave as sight line of driver obstructed when exiting his drive and the Avenue



299-307 Collier Row Lane, Romford

Request for loading bay outside Romford Mazda to allow drivers to load/unload vehicles without getting PCNs




Firham Park Estate, Harold Wood

Request from resident and visitor to estate for parking restrictions to deter commuter parking and junction protection to deter inconsiderate parking on corners obscuring sight lines.

Deferred for further report to committee to include consultation with local residents and costing. Consideration to be given to include proposals in wider scheme dealing with parking issues in the Firham Park Estate.


Merlin Road, Romford

Request for junction protection at junction of Merlin Road and Avalon Road



Paignton Close, Romford

Request for yellow lines in Paignton Close to deter inconsiderate parking



SECTION B – Minor Traffic and Parking Scheme Requests on hold for future discussion or funding issues



Mashiters Walk, Romford

Request for single yellow line restriction between 10am and 11am following increase in commuter parking as a result of the restrictions recently implemented in the Lake Rise/Rosemary Avenue Area



Engayne Gardens, Upminster

Request to remove or convert to residents' parking bays a free parking bay on the corner of Engayne and Ashburnham Gardens



Ruskin Avenue, Spenser Crescent, Masefield Drive and Hall Lane, Upminster

Request for junction protection at junction of Ruskin Avenue with Masefield Drive, Spenser Crescent with Masefield Drive, Spenser Crescent with Hall Lane and Masefield Drive with Hall Lane plus double yellow lines at the apex of bends in Masefield Drive to deter obstructive parking by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 75.