Agenda item

SUSTRANS CONNECT 2 - Phases 2 & 3 Highway Works (Pages Wood to Rainham Village)

Report Attached



The Committee considered the report that recommended that various highway improvement works between Pages Wood (Harold Wood) and Rainham Village are approved for implementation to support the Sustrans Connect 2 scheme, following the completion of public consultation.


At its meeting of 15 July 2009, the Council’s Cabinet approved the Sustrans Connect2 scheme for the Ingrebourne Valley in principle. This approval was subject to funding (with Cabinet Member for Regeneration approvals for each phase) and various consents being in place.


The scheme was supported with £880,000 of Big Lottery grant funding provided through Sustrans and additional Council capital funding, grants via the Transport for London Local Implementation Plan and Veolia Havering Riverside Trust.


The scheme’s overarching aim was to improve local travel in 79 communities around the UK by creating new walking and cycling networks for everyday journeys.


By means of bridges, tunnels and other crossings, barriers such as busy roads, rivers and railways can be overcome to make travelling on foot or bike easier and more direct. With each new crossing linking to a local network of walking and cycling routes, there will be direct access to local schools, shops and workplaces, as well as green spaces.


In terms of design, the route was being designed for pedestrians, both the experienced and inexperienced cyclist and equestrian riders where possible.


Sustrans and the Council were promoting a scheme for the Ingrebourne Valley which would build on, connect to and improve existing routes, some of which had been in place for some time.


The 13 mile route, called the “Ingrebourne Way” would form the new National Cycle Route No.136, starting in Noak Hill and ending at Rainham Marshes, running through Harold Hill, Harold Wood, Harold Park, Cranham, Upminster, Hornchurch, Elm Park and South Hornchurch.


The project was split into three phases with Phase 1 (Noak Hill to Pages Wood) had been completed.


The current focus of activity was now Phases 2 & 3 which would complete the scheme between Pages Wood and Rainham Marshes by March 2013.


As well as any statutory consultation processes, the project was overseen by the Connect 2 Steering Group which sought to engage various stakeholders in the development of the route. The group included Council Staff, Sustrans, local walking and cycling groups, Forestry Commission, Environment Agency, biodiversity groups and others as required.


The route and design of the various features had also been reviewed by Sustrans both from a network planning and engineering point of view and fully acceptable to the organisation.

In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by three residents who expressed their views for and against parts of the scheme.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements, the Committee was addressed by an objector followed by two speakers in support of the scheme.

With its agreement Councillor Tebbutt addressed the Committee. Councillor Tebbutt raised questions in relation to the proposed move of the bus stop; external funding; public consultation requirements. 


During the debate members raised general concerns over the design of the scheme including the safety of having mixed use, cycle and pedestrian, paths through Upminster Park. Members also queried the technical specification of the proposed cycle lanes and raised concerns about the proposed 3 meter width of the lanes.       


A motion was moved to defer the item in order to give officers sufficient time to consider the various design and safety issues raised by members. The Committee noted that, due to the timetable for external funding, the item may need to be dealt with at a special meeting of the Committee.


The motion to defer was seconded.


The Committee RESOLVED to defer the item by 6 votes in favour, 1 abstention and 1 against.



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