Agenda and minutes

Highways Advisory Committee - Tuesday, 15th May, 2012 7.30 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Main Road, Romford

Contact: Taiwo Adeoye 01708 433079  Email:

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 112 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 20 March, 29 March and 17 April 2012, and to authorise the Chairman to sign them.


Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 20 March 2012 and 29 March 2012 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman subject to the addition of the request by Councillor Wood for an amendment to the Minor Traffic and Parking Scheme Request (Reference TPC204) for the implementation of a loading ban on Elm Park Avenue / Broadway to refer to the fact that the applicant resident would be meeting with ward Councillors and Tesco representatives to discuss options.


The minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 17 April 2012, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman subject to an amendment to include the addition of the request by Councillor Eagling for Officers to provide the Committee with a report with an updated list of minor traffic schemes that has been approved by the Committee but were yet to be implemented.



AIRFIELD WAY PEDESTRIAN REFUGE - Outcome of Public Consultation pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Report Attached

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report and without debate, RESOLVED


1.  To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the highway improvement works on Airfield Way as detailed in the report and shown on drawing QB035/01/01 be approved for implementation.


  1. That it be noted that the estimated cost of the highway improvement works set out within this report is £18,000 would be funded by the developer under a Section 278/38 (Highway Act 1980) Agreement for the scheme.



GIDEA PARK CONTROLLED PARKING ZONE - Comments to advertised proposals pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report to follow if available


The report before the Committee outlined the responses received to the following advertised proposals for amendments to the waiting restrictions, disc parking bays and the inclusion of resident parking provision within the Gidea Park Controlled Parking Zone.


1.      Edward Close - Plan No. EDW/01/01


The proposals were to introduce ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions for 10 metres on the north to south and east to west arms of the junction of Edward Close, also covering the remainder of the northern side of the east to west arm with ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions.


2.      Station Lane - Plan No. BLGRS/01/03


The proposal was to introduce a Pay & Display parking bay, on the southern side of Station Lane, fronting the Post Office.  It was proposed that the bay would be operational from 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday inclusive, with a maximum stay period of two hours (due to the proposed bay being located on a bus route). 


The proposal would provide a much need parking facility for the Post Office and other local retailers.


3.      Durham and Elvet Avenues Plan Nos. - DHA/01/01, 02 and DHA/01/01, 03


The proposals were to introduce a residents permit scheme in both roads operational from 8.00am to 10.00am Monday to Friday inclusive. The scheme would be operational in the location of the existing lay-bys, Free Parking Bays and footway parking bays, whilst retaining the existing ‘At any time’, 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday and 8.00am to 10.00am Monday to Friday waiting restrictions throughout the estate.


4.      Chalforde Gardens - Plan Nos. CHLG/01/01, 02


The proposals were to introduce a residents permit scheme in the road operational from 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday inclusive. The implementation of a Saturday restriction was considered necessary due to the proximity of the road to local shops. Under the proposal the remainder of the road would be restricted with an ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions, to ensure emergency and service access.


5.      The Main Consultation Area (including Crossways, Wallenger Avenue and Compton Avenue) - Plan No. BLGRS/01/02; GPS10/01/01; BALGRS/01/04; BLGRS/01/05


The proposals were:


1)        To convert and extend the existing Free Parking bay on the south-eastern side of Crossways to a Pay & Display parking bay operational from 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday inclusive, with a maximum stay period of two hours.


2)        To implement ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions in Crossways, fronting no. 76, from a point opposite the western boundary to a point opposite the northern boundary.


3)        To implement 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday waiting restrictions on the western side of Crossways, from the common boundary of nos. 72 and 76 to the common boundary of nos. 58 and 60.


4)        To implement 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday waiting restrictions on the eastern and south-eastern sides of Crossways, between a point 15 metres south of the southern kerb-line of Wallenger Avenue and the existing Taxi Rank to the rear of Gidea Park Station.


5)        To implement ‘At any time’ waiting  ...  view the full minutes text for item 93.



The Committee is requested to consider the report relating to Highways Schemes Applications

Additional documents:


The report presented Members with all new highway schemes requests in order for a decision to be made on whether the scheme should progress or not before resources were expended on detailed design and consultation.


The Committee would either make recommendations to the Head of StreetCare to progress the scheme or the Committee would reject the request.


The Committee considered and agreed in principle the schedule that detailed the applications received by the service en bloc.


The Committee’s decisions were noted as follows against each request:



Item Ref




SECTION B - Highway scheme proposals without funding available


Balgores Lane/ Station Road, Gidea Park

Provide mini-roundabout to help traffic flow




Park End Road, Romford

Remove speed cushions outside 41/48 as resident and neighbours are concerned about vibrations to their buildings caused by driving over cushions



Petersfield Avenue/ Petersfield Close

Traffic calming at junction following recent collision. Concern from residents that speeding traffic is making it more risky exiting the close



Hainault Road (north of A12)

Better speed humps, 20mph speed limit and HGV restrictions





The Committee is requested to consider the report relating to Minor Traffic and parking Schemes.


Additional documents:


The report before the Committee detailed all Minor Traffic and Parking Scheme application requests in order for a decision to be made on whether the scheme should progress or not before resources were expended on detailed design and consultation.


The Committee would either make recommendations to the Head of StreetCare to progress the scheme or the Committee would reject the request.


The Committee considered and agreed in principle the schedule that detailed the applications received by the service.


The Committee’s decisions were noted as follows against each scheme:



London Borough of Havering



Traffic & Parking Control - StreetCare



Minor Traffic & Parking Schemes Applications Schedule








Item Ref






Hornchurch Town Centre area

Request for further Taxi parking facilities requested by TfL





Moor Lane & Chipperfield Close, Cranham

Request to extend double yellow lines on right hand side (looking up Chipperfield Close from Moor Lane) by approx 30m and on left hand side by approx 15m to keep access clear (petition from 25 residents)


7 votes in favour with 2 abstentions



73 Douglas Road, Hornchurch

Request to remove parking bay across dropped kerb at this address and replace with double yellow lines





Victoria Road/South Street, Romford

Request for double yellow lines on westbound approach to traffic signals in Victoria Road to prevent parked vehicles, after 6:30pm, causing traffic flow issues and affecting visibility for the pedestrian crossing phase at the junction





Alder Avenue, Upminster

Request to implement 'At any time' restrictions at the junction of Alder Avenue and Hacton Lane to prevent obstructive parking close to the junction


4 votes in favour with four votes against and 1 abstention – the Chairman’s casting vote rejected application




Petersfield Close & Petersfield Avenue,  Harold Hill


Request for junction protection at the junction of Petersfield Close and Petersfield Avenue to improve sightline for drivers exiting the close and prevent further accidents.





SECTION B - Minor Traffic and Parking Scheme Requests on hold for future discussion or funding issues



Mashiters Walk, Romford

Request for single yellow line restriction between 10am and 11am following increase in commuter parking as a result of the restrictions recently implemented in the Lake Rise/Rosemary Avenue Area


To be retained on the List for future discussion



Engayne Gardens, Upminster

Request to remove or convert to residents' parking bays a free parking bay on the corner of Engayne and Ashburnham Gardens


To be removed from the List





Ruskin Avenue, Spenser Crescent, Masefield Drive and Hall Lane, Upminster

Request for junction protection at junction of Ruskin Avenue with Masefield Drive, Spenser Crescent with Masefield Drive, Spenser Crescent with Hall Lane and Masefield Drive with Hall Lane plus double yellow lines at the apex of bends in Masefield Drive to deter obstructive parking by users of Upminster Hall Playing Fields


To be removed from the List





Cheshire Close, Emerson Park

Request for footway parking bays


To  ...  view the full minutes text for item 95.




During the discussion of remaining items on the agenda the Committee RESOLVED to suspend Council Procedure Rule 9 to allow the conclusion of consideration of the remaining items on the agenda.


The vote for the proposal was passed by 8 votes to 1 against, Councillor Breading voted against the proposal.




To consider any other item in respect of which the Chairman is of the opinion, by reason of special circumstances which shall be specified in the minutes, that the item should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency.


The Committee agreed that officers should provide Committee Members with a list of those outstanding minor traffic schemes that had been recommended for approval by the Committee but had not been carried out together with the reason for the delay in carrying out the works and the estimated cost of those works. The list is to be provided to the Committee at its October 2012 meeting.