Agenda item

GIDEA PARK CONTROLLED PARKING ZONE - Comments to advertised proposals

Report to follow if available


The report before the Committee outlined the responses received to the following advertised proposals for amendments to the waiting restrictions, disc parking bays and the inclusion of resident parking provision within the Gidea Park Controlled Parking Zone.


1.      Edward Close - Plan No. EDW/01/01


The proposals were to introduce ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions for 10 metres on the north to south and east to west arms of the junction of Edward Close, also covering the remainder of the northern side of the east to west arm with ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions.


2.      Station Lane - Plan No. BLGRS/01/03


The proposal was to introduce a Pay & Display parking bay, on the southern side of Station Lane, fronting the Post Office.  It was proposed that the bay would be operational from 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday inclusive, with a maximum stay period of two hours (due to the proposed bay being located on a bus route). 


The proposal would provide a much need parking facility for the Post Office and other local retailers.


3.      Durham and Elvet Avenues Plan Nos. - DHA/01/01, 02 and DHA/01/01, 03


The proposals were to introduce a residents permit scheme in both roads operational from 8.00am to 10.00am Monday to Friday inclusive. The scheme would be operational in the location of the existing lay-bys, Free Parking Bays and footway parking bays, whilst retaining the existing ‘At any time’, 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday and 8.00am to 10.00am Monday to Friday waiting restrictions throughout the estate.


4.      Chalforde Gardens - Plan Nos. CHLG/01/01, 02


The proposals were to introduce a residents permit scheme in the road operational from 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday inclusive. The implementation of a Saturday restriction was considered necessary due to the proximity of the road to local shops. Under the proposal the remainder of the road would be restricted with an ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions, to ensure emergency and service access.


5.      The Main Consultation Area (including Crossways, Wallenger Avenue and Compton Avenue) - Plan No. BLGRS/01/02; GPS10/01/01; BALGRS/01/04; BLGRS/01/05


The proposals were:


1)        To convert and extend the existing Free Parking bay on the south-eastern side of Crossways to a Pay & Display parking bay operational from 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday inclusive, with a maximum stay period of two hours.


2)        To implement ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions in Crossways, fronting no. 76, from a point opposite the western boundary to a point opposite the northern boundary.


3)        To implement 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday waiting restrictions on the western side of Crossways, from the common boundary of nos. 72 and 76 to the common boundary of nos. 58 and 60.


4)        To implement 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday waiting restrictions on the eastern and south-eastern sides of Crossways, between a point 15 metres south of the southern kerb-line of Wallenger Avenue and the existing Taxi Rank to the rear of Gidea Park Station.


5)        To implement ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions at the Crossways junction with Wallenger Avenue, in Crossways, on its eastern side, from the common boundary of nos. 73 and 75, to a point 15 metres south of the southern kerb-line of Wallenger Avenue. To extend ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions into Wallenger Avenue on its southern side to a point 15 metres north-east of the north-eastern kerb-line of Cranbrook Drive and on its northern side, to a point 10 metres north-east of the eastern kerb-line of Crossways.


6)        To implement ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions in Wallenger Avenue, on its western and north-western sides, from the common boundary of nos. 58 and 60 to the existing Free Parking bay along the flank wall of no. 75 Crossways.


7)        To implement 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday waiting restrictions on the eastern side of Wallenger Avenue, from a point 15 metres north-east of the north-eastern kerb-line of Cranbrook Drive, to a point 15 metres south of the southern kerb-line of Compton Avenue.


8)        To implement 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday waiting restrictions on the western side of Wallenger Avenue, from the common boundary of nos. 48 and 50 to the common boundary of nos. 58 and 60.


9)        To implement ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions in Wallenger Avenue, on its eastern side, from a point 10 metres north-west of the northern kerb-line of Compton Avenue to a point 15 metres south of the southern kerb-line of Compton Avenue, extending into Compton Avenue on its northern side for 10 metres and on its southern side for 15 metres


10)   To implement ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions for 10 metres on all arms of the Compton Avenue and Pemberton Avenue junction.


11)   To implement ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions for 10 metres on all arms of the Cranbrook Drive and Eyre Close junction.


12)   To implement ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions in Cranbrook Drive, on its northern side, from its junction with Wallenger Avenue, to the common boundary of nos. 1 and 3 and on its southern side from its junction with Wallenger Avenue, to the common boundary of nos. 2 and 4.


13)   To implement ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions in Balgores Lane on its north-eastern side, from a point opposite the north-western building line of no.81, extending north-westwards and north-eastwards into Crossways, to a point opposite the north-easternmost kerb-line of Balgores Square.


14)   To implement 12.00pm to 1.00pm Monday to Friday waiting restriction in Squirrels Heath Avenue, between the common of Nos.36 and 38 to a point 10 metres south-east of the south-eastern kerbline of Balgores Crescent, in Crossways from the northern boundary of No.1 to the extent of the proposed restrictions north of Wallenger Avenue and in Wallenger Avenue, from the northern boundary of No.2 to the extent of the proposed restrictions north of Compton Avenue.  


15)   To implement ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions for 10 metres on all arms of the Balgores Crescent and Squirrels Heath Avenue junction.


16)   To convert the existing Disc Parking Bay on the western side of Heath Drive and the eastern side of Crossways to a Pay & Display parking bay operational from 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday inclusive, with a maximum stay period of two hours.


17)   To convert the existing Disc Parking Bay on the north-eastern side of Balgores Crescent to a Pay & Display parking bay operational from 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Saturday inclusive, with a maximum stay period of two hours.  (This will provide further free parking for the residents of the maisonettes fronting this area in the early evening, encourage parental usage when dropping off and picking up children attending Gidea Park College and provide a more convenient parking facility for users of local retailers and banks).


18)   To extend the existing residents parking scheme for the GP1 area to the common boundary of nos. 36 and 38 and to introduce a Resident Parking bays directly in front of nos. 31, 34 and 36.  To implement ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions on the approach and exits of the central island area, and to extend the associated waiting restrictions throughout the remainder of the road.



In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a speaker who expressed her views and concerns over parking issues in Balgores Lane.


Each element of the Scheme was presented to the Committee and voted on as a separate item.



1                    Edward Close


The Committee considered the report and after a short debate RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment implementation of Part 1 of the scheme and that the effects of implementation be monitored.


2                    Station Lane


The Committee considered the report and after a short debate RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment the implementation of Part 2 of the scheme and that the effects of implementation be monitored.


3                    Durham Avenue and Elvet Avenue


The Committee considered the report and after a short debate RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment the implementation of Part 3 of the scheme and that the effects of implementation be monitored.


4                    Chalforde Gardens


The Committee considered the report and after a short debate RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment the implementation of Proposal 4 of the scheme and that the effects of implementation be monitored. In addition consideration is to be given to the extension of the Proposal 4 to include maisonettes No’s 107 to 113 Balgores Lane following public consultation.


5                    The Main Consultation Area (including Crossways, Wallenger Avenue and Compton Avenue) the Committee considered the report and after the debate RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment the implementation of Proposal 5 of the scheme with the effects of implementation to be monitored subject to the following amendments (the amendments were voted on as individual items):



5.1the proposed 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday restrictions in Wallenger Avenue, between Cranbrook Drive and Compton Avenue, reduced to operate from 12.00pm to 1.00pm Monday to Friday.


The Committee RESOLVED to approve the amendment unanimously.


5.2proceed with design and public advertisement of further changes to the 8.00am to 10.00am Monday to Friday restrictions in Cranbrook Drive and Eyre Close to operate 12.00pm to 1.00pm Monday to Friday;


The Committee RESOLVED to approve the amendment unanimously.


5.38.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday restrictions in Crossways, behind the station to remain unchanged.


The Committee RESOLVED to approve the amendment by 8 votes in favour to 1 vote against. 


5.4proceed with design and public advertisement of proposals to restrict the free parking bays in Repton Avenue, Stanley Avenue and Woodfield Drive, at there junctions with Balgores Lane, with a maximum stay period of 4 hours, operational 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday


The Committee RESOLVED to approve the amendment by 8 votes in favour with one abstention.


5.5the extension of the12.00pm to 1.00pm restriction in the area of Pemberton Avenue and Hall Road.


The Committee RESOLVED to approve the amendment by 8 votes in favour with one abstention.



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