Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, Main Road, Romford

Contact: Victoria Freeman 01708 433862  Email:

No. Item



To approve as correct the minutes of the meetings held 17 July 2019 and authorise the Chairman to sign them.


The minutes of the meeting of the Sub-Committee held on 17 July 2019 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman subject to the following amendment:


·         That Members receive the terms of reference for the sub-committee.

·         That all Members receive the presentation on Taser.





The Sub-Committee received information on performance against indicators during Quarter One (April - June 2019).


The following statistics were highlighted to the Sub-Committee:


1.    Response time to Immediate (I) and Significant (S) Grade Incidents


The Sub-Committee noted that the Police had a target response time to reach 90% of “Immediate” (I) graded calls within 15 minutes of the call being made and for “Significant” (S) grade calls to reach 90% within one hour of the call being made.


It was stated that data from the Police was no longer available as a percentage figure for each month; however the data was now provided as a rolling average for I and S grades of calls met within target times, domestic abuse (DA) calls in each of these grading.




There had been an improvement in the number of I calls reaching the target time compared to Quarter 4 with a rate of 82.7% in comparison to 82.1%.  It was stated that this was slightly below the overall BCU average of 85.11%.


For the same period, Havering DA I grade calls have seen an increase in the number of calls reaching targets with a rate of 84.6% compared to the 82.8% reported for the same period last quarter. It was stated that the overall BCU average was 83.9%.




The report outlined that 80.5% of local S grades were met within an hour compared to 80.8% last quarter. It was noted that this was above the BCU average of 75.72%.


Domestic Abuse S grades showed a figure of 80.0% locally compared to 78.5% for the period last quarter. It was indicated that this percentage was above the BCU average of 76.52%.



2.    Violence


The report informed the Sub-Committee noted that the level of Domestic Abuse and level on Non-Domestic Abuse violence with injury experienced within Havering in Quarter 1 of 2019-20 had reduced.  Domestic Abuse had reduced by 2% and Non Domestic Violence with Injury reduced by 15% compared to the same time period in 2018-19.




It was stated that the Council approved the Violence against Women and Girls Strategy and the Serious Group Violence and Knife Crime Strategy in Quarter 1 of 2019-20


3.    Burglary


There had been an increase in burglary business and community of 120% during Quarter 1 of 2019-20 compared to the same time period in 2018-19. This was  attributed to improved reporting of incidents to the Police. It was stated that Havering had experienced an increase of 4% in residential burglary during the period.


The Sub-Committee noted that the council continues to support the Police in providing crime prevention advice to residents and businesses in Havering through the use of e-newsletters, twitter, Facebook and Living in Havering.

It was stated that majority of residential burglaries continue to be through unlocked doors and windows.


4.    Anti-Social Behaviour


Anti-Social Behaviour reported to the Police continues to fall within Havering.

The report showed a reduction of 9% in Quarter 1 of 2019-20 in comparison to Quarter 1 2018 -19. The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.




The Sub-Committee received an update report on the Council’s application for unlawful encampment injunction. It was stated that residents, business owners and landowners have experienced an increasing number of unauthorised encampments across Havering in recent years.


The report outlined that the Borough had suffered significant and prolonged issues such as environmental and economic as a direct result of each unauthorised encampment, including fly tipping, anti-social behaviour, criminal damage and violent behaviour, and compounded by the environmental impact and health risks arising from the majority of such illegal incursions.


The Sub-Committee noted that inline with neighbouring authorities; Barking & Dagenham and Redbridge, the Council had issued a Part 8 Claim form for an injunction, an application notice for an interim injunction and a without notice application for alternative service of the evidence. The interim injunction application was listed before a judge for hearing on 10 September, 2019.


It was stated that across the borough, there were 260 vulnerable sites, including parks and open spaces that have been identified across Havering, requiring deployment of almost 600 injunction notices to ensure that this preventative measure could be made legally enforceable for at least 3 years at the date of next hearing.


At the meeting, the Interim Enforcement Group Manager for Neighbourhoods verbally confirmed that the High Court was hearing the Council’s claim for an interim injunction to prevent unauthorised encampments across over 200 sites in Havering and against 105 named individuals between 10 and 11 September 2019.


The Sub-Committee was informed that the expectation of the council was to satisfy the court that a case was made for an interim injunction to be granted whilst the matter is listed for final hearing.


The Sub-Committee commended Inspector Rob McInroy and Sergeant Kevin Recce and officers from the Environment Directorate for all the actions, guidance and working additional hours to complete all the logistical undertaking to ensure service of all notices to enable application for an interim injunction to be obtained at the High Court.




That the contents of the report, be noted.





Additional documents:



At the request of the Sub-Committee on the 17 July 2019, the Borough Commander gave Members a briefing on the use of Taser devices by officers.


It was stated that nationally the Home Office approves Taser for use by authorised

firearms officers (AFOs) and ‘specially trained officers’ (STO’s). The Taser device is a conducted energy device and is classified as a Section 5 weapon under the Firearms Act 1968 and by NPCC as ‘work related equipment’.


The Sub-Committee was informed that within the Metropolitan Police Service, only officers who have been confirmed in the rank of Constable will be considered for training as a Taser Officer. An officer must attend and pass an initial nationally accredited Taser course. There is a national standard that must be met before an officer can be authorised to carry a Taser.


The Sub-Committee noted that the following operating requirements for the Taser:

·         To be effective, the Taser power source must have sufficient charge

·          the wires connecting the probes to the device must remain intact

·          two probes, two electrodes or a combination of one probe and one

electrode are required to make contact with the subject’s body or clothing

·         The maximum range of the device is determined by the length of the wires that carry the current and attach the probes to the weapon. For each device it is currently at 6.4 metres or 7.6 metres


The following effects were outlined following the discharge of the Taser on a subject:

·         not be able to control their posture – consider risk of injury from uncontrolled fall

·         experience their legs going rigid, which could be mistaken for kicking out

(especially if they are in prone position)

·         convulse, curl up in a ball, spasm, or stiffen (plank)

·         experience intense pain

·         calling out or make involuntary vocal noises

·         not able to respond to verbal commands during the discharge

·         be confused or disorientated after the cycle

·         feeling exhausted after cycle

·         freeze’ on the spot.




That the contents of the briefing, be noted.






The Sub-Committee agreed to have the following items on the agenda for the next meeting:


1.    Progress Report on Serious Group  Violence and Knife Crime – Youth Crime

2.    Havering Safer Neighbourhood Board – Current Project