Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Havering Town Hall
Contact: Anthony Clements tel: 01708 433065 Email:
Note: Reconvened
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence (if any).
Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Judith Holt and Philip Ruck (initial meeting).
For the reconvened meeting, apologies were received from Councillors Robert Benham, Ray Best, David Godwin, Judith Holt, Philip Ruck, Tim Ryan, Frankie Walker and Damian White. |
DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Members are invited to disclose any interest in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting.
Members may still disclose any interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter.
Minutes: 5. MAYORALTY 2022/23. Councillor Christine Vickery, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
5. MAYORALTY 2022/23. Councillor Trevor McKeever, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
8. APPOINTMENT OF THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL 2022/2026. Councillor Damian White, Personal, .
8. APPOINTMENT OF THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL 2022/2026. Councillor Ray Morgon, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Bryan Vincent, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Carol Smith, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Christine Smith, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Christine Vickery, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Damian White, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Darren Wise, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor David Taylor, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Dilip Patel, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Frankie Walker, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Jane Keane, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Jason Frost, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor John Crowder, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Joshua Chapman, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Katharine Tumilty, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Laurance Garrard, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Mandy Anderson, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Martin Goode, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Michael White, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Natasha Summers, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
10. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Councillor Osman Dervish, Personal, Nominated for position attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance..
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY OUTGOING MAYOR Minutes: The Mayor asked Councillors to ensure they had each signed copies of the Havering Pledge. |
MAYORALTY 2022/23 (a) To elect the Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2022/23
(b) To receive notice of the appointment of Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2022/23.
Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group
That Councillor Christine Vickery be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2022-23.
Motion on behalf of the Labour Group
That Councillor Trevor McKeever be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2022-23.
Motion on behalf of the Havering’s Residents Association Group
That Councillor Stephanie Nunn be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2022-23.
Motion on behalf of the East Havering Residents Group
That Councillor Brian Eagling be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2022-23. Minutes: Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group
That Councillor Christine Vickery be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2022-23.
Motion on behalf of the Labour Group
That Councillor Trevor McKeever be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2022-23.
Motion on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group
That Councillor Stephanie Nunn be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2022-23.
Motion on behalf of the East Havering Residents Group
That Councillor Brian Eagling be elected to the office of Mayor for the municipal year 2022-23.
The withdrawal by the East Havering Residents Group of the nomination of Councillor Brian Eagling and by the Havering Residents Association Group of the nomination of Councillor Stephanie Nunn were AGREED without division.
Councillor Trevor McKeever was ELECTED as Mayor for the municipal year 2022/23 by 28 votes to 25 for Councillor Christine Vickery with 0 abstentions (see division 1).
That Councillor Trevor McKeever be elected as Mayor for the municipal year 2022/23.
Councillor Trevor McKeever, having made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Mayor as required by the Local Government Act 1972, then took the Chair and thanked the Council for the honour bestowed upon him. The Mayor indicated that his Mayoress would be Mrs Wendy McKeever.
Councillor Vickery expressed the thanks of the Council to the outgoing Mayor – former Councillor John Mylod for his services during 2021/22. Councillor Mylod suitably replied. |
DEPUTY MAYOR Minutes: In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972, the Mayor signified in writing his appointment of Councillor Stephanie Nunn as Deputy Mayor for the coming year and to carry out the duties of the Mayor in case of the Mayor’s illness or absence.
Councillor Nunn made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office accordingly. The Mayor indicated that the Deputy Mayor’s Consort for the year would be Councillor Barry Mugglestone. |
To sign as a true record the minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 23 March 2022 (attached).
Minutes: The Minutes of the Council meeting held on 23 March were before the Council for approval.
It was AGREED, without division, that the minutes be signed as a correct record. |
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE MAYOR, BY THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL OR BY THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE To receive announcements (if any). Minutes: The incoming Mayor – Councillor Trevor McKeever welcomed all new Members and stated that he hoped they would enjoy their time on the Council.
Details of the Mayor’s charities would be announced in due course. |
APPOINTMENT OF THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL 2022/2026 To consider motions appointing the Leader of the Council for the four year period ending at the Annual Meeting of the Council following the borough elections in 2026.
Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group
That Councillor Damian White be elected to the office of Leader of the Council for the municipal years 2022 - 2026.
Motion on behalf of the Labour Group
That Councillor Keith Darvill be elected to the office of Leader of the Council for the municipal years 2022 – 2026.
Motion on behalf of Havering’s Residents’ Associations Group
That Councillor Ray Morgon be elected to the office of Leader of the Council for the municipal years 2022 – 2026.
Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group
That Councillor Damian White be elected to the office of Leader of the Council for the municipal years 2022 - 2026.
Motion on behalf of the Labour Group
That Councillor Keith Darvill be elected to the office of Leader of the Council for the municipal years 2022 – 2026.
Motion on behalf of Havering Residents Association Group
That Councillor Ray Morgon be elected to the office of Leader of the Council for the municipal years 2022 – 2026.
The withdrawal by the Labour Group of the nomination for Councillor Keith Darvill was AGREED, without division.
Councillor Ray Morgon was ELECTED as Leader of the Council for the 2022/2026 period by 27 votes to 22 for Councillor Damian White with 4 abstentions (see division 2).
That Councillor Ray Morgon be appointed as Leader of the Council for the period ending at the 2026 Annual Council meeting. |
PROCEDURAL MOTION Minutes: A procedural motion that the meeting be adjourned was proposed by the Leader of the Council and seconded by Councillor Ford.
The procedural motion was AGREED without division and it was RESOLVED:
That the meeting be adjourned. |
APPOINTING THE COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL AND THE SCHEME OF DELEGATION NOTE: The deadline for receipt of amendments to all reports published with the final agenda (agenda item 9) is midnight, Monday 23 May.
To consider a report of the Chief Executive regarding appointing the Committees of the Council and the Scheme of Delegation (attached, appendix 2 to follow). Additional documents:
Minutes: A report of the Chief Executive presented the position with appointing the Committees of the Council and the Scheme of Delegation.
Deemed motion on behalf of the Conservative Group
That the report be adopted and its recommendations carried into effect.
Amendment on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group
APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES To consider motions concerning appointing Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen (attached).
Additional documents:
Minutes: Council AGREED the withdrawal by the Conservative Group of Councillors Damian White and Osman Dervish as nominees to the Local Government Association, without division.
The following Members were AGREED as nominees to the Local Government Association, without division.
Councillor Ray Morgon Councillor Gillian Ford Councillor Keith Darvill Councillor Michael White
Motion on behalf of the North Havering Residents Group
Sub-Committee of the Governance Committee:
Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group
Sub-Committee of the Governance Committee:
Local Government Association Nominees: Councillor Damian White Councillor Osman Dervish
Motion on behalf of the Labour Group
Sub-Committee of the Governance Committee:
Motion on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group
APPOINTMENT OF THE MEMBER CHAMPIONS To consider motions regarding the appointment of the Member Champions (attached).
Additional documents:
Minutes: Following the agreement by Council to the withdrawal of several nominations by the Conservative Group, the following Member Champion positions were appointed to:
Over 50s – Councillor Mandy Anderson Historic Environment – Councillor Linda Hawthorn Armed Forces – Councillor Barry Mugglestone Voluntary Sector Compact - Councillor David Taylor Equalities and Diversity – Councillor Katherine Tumilty Young People – Councillor Frankie Walker
STATEMENT BY LEADER OF THE COUNCIL To receive a statement by the Leader of the Council. Minutes: The Leader of the Council gave a statement indicating that he wished to have engagement with all partners and that he wanted all Members to be involved in service reviews. Quality and quantity measures of service delivery would be developed that were honest, open and transparent. The new Administration would encourage customer feedback.
There would be a greater focus on the management of the Council with a culture of performance being developed. All procedures, processes and standards would be reviewed and the Leader was keen for all Members to participate in this.
Complaints would be put right but it was also important that learning took place on why complaints happened. There would be greater monitoring and control of Council services. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The record of voting decisions is attached as appendix 4 to these minutes. Note, due to technical issues, it has not been possible to shown any abstentions separately where the abstain button was used as part of the voting process. |