Agenda item
NOTE: The deadline for receipt of amendments to all reports published with the final agenda (agenda item 9) is midnight, Monday 23 May.
To consider a report of the Chief Executive regarding appointing the Committees of the Council and the Scheme of Delegation (attached, appendix 2 to follow).
A report of the Chief Executive presented the position with appointing the Committees of the Council and the Scheme of Delegation.
Deemed motion on behalf of the Conservative Group
That the report be adopted and its recommendations carried into effect.
Amendment on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group
Amendment to Committee Structure by Havering Residents Association Group attached at appendix 1 to these minutes. The suggested allocation of seats of seats on committees and sub-committees, in accordance with political balance rules, is attached at appendix 2 to these minutes. A revised set of Special Responsibility Allowances is attached at appendix 3 to these minutes.
Following debate, the amendment on behalf of the Havering Residents Association Group was AGREED by 29 votes to 18 with 0 abstentions (see division 3) and AGREED as the substantive motion by 27 votes to 18 with 2 abstentions (see division 4).
(1) That, so far as necessary to enable any changes proposed and agreed during this meeting to be carried in to effect, Council Procedure Rule 20.2 (proposals to amend the Constitution to be referred to Governance Committee without discussion) be suspended.
(2) That, the Committees listed in Appendix 1 to these minutes be appointed for the 2022/23 Municipal Year and that:
(a) As required by statute, two voting co-optees representing the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church and three parent governor co-optees selected in accordance with the appropriate Regulations, be appointed to the Children & Learning Services Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee.
(b) The other non-elected member “appointments” and invitations to attend shown in the Appendix (and particularly its annexes) to the report be confirmed.
(3) Those Committees be appointed with: (a) the membership sizes and (b) the political balance indicated in Appendix 2 to these minutes.
(4) That the delegation of non-executive functions (as defined by the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 (amended) to officers be agreed as set out in the Council’s Constitution.
(5) To agree that all officers with delegated powers have power to further delegate those powers to other officers under s.101 of the Local Government Act 1972 or as provided for by any other legislation and may agree a scheme of delegation to officers for their service areas.
(6) That the revised Special Responsibility Allowances as shown in appendix 3 to these minutes be agreed.
Supporting documents:
- Report - appoint committees (final) 2, item 10. PDF 287 KB
- Supp agenda - Political balance report - appx 2, item 10. PDF 544 KB
- Second supp Agenda - Committee Structure, item 10. PDF 400 KB
- Second supp Agenda - Political balance seat allocation, item 10. PDF 14 KB
- Second Supp Agenda - SRAs - final, item 10. PDF 421 KB
- Minutes appx 1 - Committee Structure, item 10. PDF 400 KB
- Minutes - appx 2 - Political balance seat allocation, item 10. PDF 14 KB
- Minutes appx 3 - SRAs - final, item 10. PDF 421 KB