Issue details

A Good Life - Draft Culture Strategy

To agree the 'A Good Life' cultural stratey project, including applying for external funding, accepting the terms and conditions of offers of grant funding

and then spending funding received.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/06/2024

Decision due: 14 Aug 2024 by Cabinet

Lead director: Strategic Director, Resources

Contact: Guy Selfe, Health and Wellbeing Manager Email:

Consultation process

A wide consultation, including over 1000 residents and 50 groups/organisations has been conducted through the development of the Borough of Culture application. The draft culture strategy, A Good Life, is seeking to deliver a range of programmes and projects developed through that consultation.


In addition, all relevant Business Partners will be consulted.


Agenda items