
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published

29/09/2023 - Stop Smoking Service pilot for people with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) ref: 7921    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 29/09/2023

Effective from: 29/09/2023

Lead officer: Kate Ezeoke-Griffiths

28/09/2023 - Renewal of Term Maintenance Contract for Water Hygiene Services for Corporate Buildings and Schools ref: 7920    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Strategic Director, Place

Decision published: 28/09/2023

Effective from: 28/09/2023

Lead officer: Ian Saxby

27/09/2023 - EXEMPT MINUTES ref: 7918    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Overview & Scrutiny Board

Made at meeting: 27/09/2023 - Overview & Scrutiny Board

Decision published: 28/09/2023

Effective from: 27/09/2023

27/09/2023 - EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC ref: 7914    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Overview & Scrutiny Board

Made at meeting: 27/09/2023 - Overview & Scrutiny Board

Decision published: 28/09/2023

Effective from: 27/09/2023


The Board resolved to exclude members of the public and press for agenda item 9 – Exempt Minutes.


27/09/2023 - ONESOURCE RETURNING SERVICES - POSITION STATEMENT ref: 7915    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Overview & Scrutiny Board

Made at meeting: 27/09/2023 - Overview & Scrutiny Board

Decision published: 28/09/2023

Effective from: 27/09/2023


The Board noted the content of the report on OneSource returning services – position statement.


27/09/2023 - CAPITAL PROGRAMME - RISKS AND THE IMPACT ON TREASURY MANAGEMENT ref: 7916    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Overview & Scrutiny Board

Made at meeting: 27/09/2023 - Overview & Scrutiny Board

Decision published: 28/09/2023

Effective from: 27/09/2023


The Board noted the slides setting out the following:


  • The approved capital programme
  • The capital financing costs associated with the capital programme
  • Note the Tri-Angulation process on how the capital programme impacts treasury decisions
  • updated CFR forecasts



Decision Maker: Overview & Scrutiny Board

Made at meeting: 27/09/2023 - Overview & Scrutiny Board

Decision published: 28/09/2023

Effective from: 27/09/2023


The Board:

Considered the requisition of the Key Executive Decision on the acceptance of £6.3 million funding from the GLA Refugee Housing Programme and decided not to uphold it.


27/09/2023 - MINUTES ref: 7917    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Overview & Scrutiny Board

Made at meeting: 27/09/2023 - Overview & Scrutiny Board

Decision published: 28/09/2023

Effective from: 27/09/2023


The Board approved the open minutes of the meeting held on 4 July 2023 and authorised the Chairman to sign them.

28/09/2023 - Approval to award contract for Electric Vehicle Charging Point Programme ref: 7919    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

To approve awarding of contract for the Councils Electric Vehicle Charging Point programme which will see 68 charge points installed across 12 of the Councils car parks and up to 80 on street chargepoints to be connected to lamp columns.

Decision Maker: Strategic Director, Place

Decision published: 28/09/2023

Effective from: 05/10/2023

Lead officer: Daniel Douglas

27/09/2023 - Havering Refugee Small Grants fund award Round 2 ref: 7912    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director, Living Well

Decision published: 27/09/2023

Effective from: 27/09/2023

Lead officer: Troy Aitken

26/09/2023 - Permission to waive Contract Procedure Rule 18.4 to use weightings of 40% price 55% quality and 5% social value instead of the standard 70% price, 30% qual ref: 7911    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Environment

Decision published: 26/09/2023

Effective from: 26/09/2023

Lead officer: Chris McAvoy

26/09/2023 - 10 Angmering House, Barnstaple Road, Romford RM3 7SX Authorisation to extend the lease term in accordance with statutory provisions ref: 7910    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director of Housing, Property & Assets

Decision published: 26/09/2023

Effective from: 26/09/2023

Lead officer: Sarah Fletcher

25/09/2023 - Agree criteria for the Local Heritage List, and commence a nominations period ref: 7909    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Planning & Public Protection

Decision published: 25/09/2023

Effective from: 25/09/2023

Lead officer: Cara Collier

21/09/2023 - Highways Tree Maintenance Contract ref: 7906    Recommendations Approved

To procure the contract for the Maintenance of Highway Trees.

Decision Maker: Strategic Director, Place

Decision published: 21/09/2023

Effective from: 28/09/2023

Lead officer: Jacki Ager

21/09/2023 - Entering in an Inter Authority Agreement (IAA) to start work on the East London Joint Waste Plan (ELJWP) ref: 7908    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision published: 21/09/2023

Effective from: 21/09/2023

Lead officer: Cara Collier

21/09/2023 - School Streets Phase 3. Approve implementation of experimental traffic order(s) to support operation of Phase 3 of the School Streets Scheme ref: 7907    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Environment

Decision published: 21/09/2023

Effective from: 21/09/2023

Lead officer: Ildefonso Cases

20/09/2023 - Deed of Easement relating to Land adjacent to 24 Sunrise Avenue, Hornchurch, RM12 4YS ref: 7905    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Head of Property

Decision published: 20/09/2023

Effective from: 20/09/2023

Lead officer: Clement Ojediran

20/09/2023 - Deed of Easement relating to Land adjacent to 20 Sunrise Avenue, Hornchurch, RM12 4YS ref: 7904    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Head of Property

Decision published: 20/09/2023

Effective from: 20/09/2023

Lead officer: Clement Ojediran

19/09/2023 - Introduction of Fees for Parks Tennis Courts ref: 7903    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Environment

Decision published: 19/09/2023

Effective from: 19/09/2023

Lead officer: James Rose