Issue - decisions

Bridge Close Regeneration LLP Business Plan Update 2025-26

06/02/2025 - Bridge Close Regeneration LLP Business Plan Update 2025-26



1.     Approved the draft Bridge Close Regeneration LLP Business Plan 2025-2026 (the Business Plan) as attached at Appendix B.

2.     Agreed the provision of a budget to enable the funding and delivery of the regeneration of Bridge Close as required and detailed within the exempt Financial Implications and Risks section; this budget to be included within the proposed HRA Capital Programme that will be considered by Cabinet in the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan update.  

3.     Agreed that the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, after consultation with the Strategic Director of Place, the Strategic Director of Resources the and the Deputy Director of Legal and Governance, approve detailed business cases, funding arrangements and legal agreements, respectively, as may be required to deliver the regeneration of Bridge Close as per the Business Plan 2025-2026.

4.      Noted that the Strategic Director of Place will continue discussions with the Havering Islamic Community Centre (HICC) with a view to relocating the HICC to a suitable alternative site elsewhere.

5.     Noted that the Strategic Director of Place will continue discussions with the London Ambulance Service (LAS) with a view to relocating the LAS to a suitable alternative site elsewhere.

6.     Noted that the Strategic Director of Place, in consultation with the Strategic Director of Resources the and the Deputy Director of Legal and Governance, will bring forward a report providing status of the proposed making of the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for the Bridge Close Regeneration scheme at the appropriate time in the financial year 2025-2026.

7.     Authorised the Strategic Director of Place, acting in consultation with the Strategic Director of Resources and the Deputy Director of Legal and Governance, to negotiate, finalise and enter into all necessary legal agreements as may be required, and to do anything incidental to bring into effect the proposed arrangements set out in Recommendations 1-6 inclusive.