Issue - decisions

A Good Life - Draft Culture Strategy

15/08/2024 - A Good Life - Draft Culture Strategy

Report: Cabinet approval of the A Good Life – Draft Culture Strategy report


Presented by: Councillor Gillian Ford, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Care Services




  1. Approved the draft Culture Strategy for 2025-2028, ‘A Good Life’ as attached at appendix A of the report.


  1. Delegated to the Head of Leisure and Culture, in consultation with the Strategic Director of Resources and the Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing the ability to amend and update the Culture Strategy from time to time, provided that such changes do not contravene the principles detailed in this report.


  1. Delegated to the Head of Leisure and Culture, in consultation with the Strategic Director of Resources and the Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing the ability to take all steps necessary to deliver the Culture Strategy including (but not limited to) applications for, acceptance of and spending of external funding.