Issue - decisions

Energy Contracts 2024-28 - Renewal

19/09/2024 - Energy Contracts 2024-28 - Renewal



1.     Approved entering into an access agreement with Kent County Council, trading as LASER, so the Council can access framework agreements for Electricity (Flex 2024-2028, Framework Number: Y22009) and Gas (Flex 2024-2028 Framework Number: Y22008).


2.     Approved the award of an electricity supply contract under LASER framework agreement Y22009, to Npower Commercial Gas Limited (Company number 03768856) (Npower), for the period of four years commencing on 1 April 2025 and expiring on 31 March 2029, with an estimated value of £14m) and with one year’s extension option with an estimated value of £17.5m.


3.     Approved the award of a gas supply contract under LASER framework agreement Y22008 to Corona Energy Retail 4 Ltd (Company number 02798334) (Corona) for the period of four years commencing on 1 April 2025 and expiring on 31 March 2029, with an estimated value of £7.2m, with an option to extend for one year with an estimated value of £9m.


4.     Approved the use of LASER’s ‘Price Certainty’ energy buying strategy for both electricity and gas.


5.     Approved the use of LASER’s ‘Procurement Only Service Option’ (POSO)