Issue - decisions

Parks Veolia Environmental Trust Grant Funded Projects 24-25

14/03/2024 - Parks Veolia Environmental Trust Grant Funded Projects 2024-25

Report:  Applicationand acceptanceof Veolia Environmental Trust Funding


Presented by: CllrBarry Mugglestone,Lead Memberfor Environment




1.   Approveda seriesof applications,as setout inAppendix A,for upto £900,000of grant funding from Veolia Environmental Trust (VET).


2.   Authorisedthe Strategic Directorof Placeto takeall stepsnecessary toapply for, accept and thereafter spend the grant funding (including but not limited to negotiating and signing any grant agreement issued by VET) received from VET.


3.   Authorised the Strategic Director of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Memberfor Environment,to update,amend orotherwise varythe listof projects at Appendix A, from time to time.