Issue - decisions

Award of Construction Contract for the Family Welcome Centre

13/12/2023 - Award of Construction Contract for the Family Welcome Centre

Report: Main Contract Award - Family Welcome Centre


Presented by Councillor Graham Williamson, Cabinet Member for Regeneration




1.    Approved the award of the construction contract for the Family Welcome Centre and Health Centre (shell and core) to Bidder A, as set out in this report.


2.    Agreed to the Council entering into an Agreement for Lease with the NHS Health Provider for a Health Centre at the Family Welcome Centre based upon the draft Heads of Terms (provided as Exempt Appendix B).


3.      Delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Place after consultation with the S151 Officer and the Deputy Director of Legal Services to:


                    i.         Agree terms for a Memorandum of Understanding with the NHS Health Provider;

                   ii.          Finalise and agree the Heads of Terms for the Agreement for Lease; and

                  iii.         Execute the Memorandum of Understanding, Agreement for Lease, Lease and associated ancillary legal agreements with the NHS Health Provider for the Health Centre, as necessary and appropriate.