Issue - decisions

Future of oneSource

12/04/2023 - Future of oneSource

1. Cabinet authorised all necessary amendments and variations to the Agreement so as to give effect to the following:

That the Council withdraws its delegation from One Source of the following shared services:

                    Human Resources and Organisational Development



                    Asset Management

                    Finance: Pensions Accountancy and Treasury

That the Council withdraws its delegation from One Source in respect of the Reconciliations function, following the review of scope. This will be determined once a bi-borough process improvement plan is implemented over the next few months.


Cabinet agreed that the Council would retain the following functions within one source, namely:

                    Legal and Governance

                    Exchequer and Transactional

                    Corporate Business Systems Team

                    Print Services


2. Cabinet authorised the s.151 Officer, in consultation with the Chief Executive, to make all necessary arrangements to give effect to the authorisation at 1 above, including but not limited to:

a) Implementing the HR and other operational processes to give effect to the recommendations.

b) Agreeing the dates for the withdrawal of those services listed at 1(a).

c) Agreeing, amending and finalising any variation or variations to the Agreement and the delegations contained therein as necessary to give effect to 1 above, and thereafter to sign and complete any variation on behalf of LBH.

d) Making arrangements to receive staff into LBH as a result of the amendments to the Agreement.

e) Making arrangements to allow LBH to share some of the proposed withdrawn services for a transitional period beyond the agreed date of implementation whilst permanent arrangements are put in place within LBH.

f) Making arrangements to provide a support service to the retained One Source services.

g) To prepare and / or receive and thereafter agree and set the investment case for the ICT function


3. Cabinet agreed that The Council waived the right to any compensatory payments due under the Agreement noting that London Borough of Newham will also be waiving their rights under these reciprocal arrangements.