Issue - decisions

Decision to increase allowances and benefits for in-house foster carers.

09/07/2021 - Decision to increase allowances and benefits for in-house foster carers.



AGREED to increase both the support and the financial incentives provided to ‘in-house’ carers in order to increase retention of our in-house foster carers by:


a.    Increasing the financial allowances as set out in Appendix 1  one of the report and improve a comprehensive wrap-around support package as covered in this report;

b.    Approving Havering resident foster carers as a class subject to Council Tax Relief from 1 April 2021.

c.     Approving the amendment to the Council Tax Discretionary Policy to include Havering foster carers with effect from 1 April 2021

d.    Providing complimentary access to the borough’s leisure centres for in-house carers and children in their care;

e.    Waiving free green bin refuse collection charges; and

f.      Offering free parking in resident bays and council carparks borough-wide, this will not include paid for parking bays.