Issue - decisions

Future of Chafford Sports Complex

13/03/2019 - Future of Chafford Sports Complex



  1. Considered the results of the consultation on the future of Chafford Sports Complex.


  1. Agreed that funding for the community use of Chafford Sports Complex should cease, with effect from   1 June 2019.


  1. Delegated authority to the Chief Operating Officer to end the current arrangement to give effect to the decision to cease funding for the community use of Chafford Sports Complex.


  1. Agreed that the cost of keeping Chafford Sports Complex open from 1 April 2019 until the end of the notice period is met from the Business Risk Reserve.  Based on a monthly cost of £19,357, if the notice period ran until late May 2019 the estimated cost is £38,714 


  1. Agreed that the mitigating actions identified in section 6 are progressed.


  1. Agreed to investigate the feasibility to secure a site and funding to develop a new self-financing sports centre in the south of the borough, with a report on this to be submitted to Cabinet in the Autumn and agree that funding of up to £50,000 be released from the Business Risk reserve if required.