Issue - decisions

Oracle upgrade to Fusion

14/02/2019 - Oracle upgrade to Fusion



1.     Approved the implementation and upgrade from our current Oracle version to the Oracle Cloud to Go Live by April 2020.


2.     Approved a budget and allocation of funding of £4.5 million from the capital programme to be funded through the government’s Flexible Use of Capital Receipts scheme for Transformation Projects that deliver an ongoing saving.


3.     Approved the award of :

-Oracle Fusion Subscription licence to Oracle as a direct award with VEAT which would be a 10 year contract for a total value of £4.343m   

-A Contract to Evosys off G-Cloud 10 framework  as implementation partner to implement the upgrade for a total value of £1.490m


4.     Approved entering into a shared support arrangement with London Borough of Lambeth to provide expert support at the cost of £0.2m.


5.     Delegated authority to the Council’s Chief Financial Officer (s151 Officer)

- to award a change management contract to embed the Clouds new ways of working in  Havering, as assessment of this will be made once the project is under way and a decision will be made to see if external support is required, £0.3m is budgeted for this activity

- in consultation with the Monitoring Officer to approve the final forms of contract and entering into such agreements necessary to give effect to the recommendations detailed in this report.