Issue - decisions

Bid to the Greater London Authority for a funding programme under the 'Building Council Homes for Londoners' Programme.

11/10/2018 - Bid to the Greater London Authority for a funding programme under the 'Building Council Homes for Londoners' Programme.



Agreed to accept the supplementary agenda and the documents therein which included the revised Cabinet report and;


1.     Approved the submission of the following bids to the GLA “Building Council Homes for Londoners” programme of : -


·       Up to £122.6 million Affordable Housing Grant in line with the draft bid set out at Appendix 1.


·       Up to £65.1 million HRA headroom in line with the draft bid set out at Appendix 2 of the report.


2.     Noted that if successful in the bid(s):


·       The Council will need to sign funding agreements with the GLA for which further Cabinet approval will be sought. A report seeking these approvals is likely to be submitted Spring/Summer 2019.


·       The Council will develop a housing delivery programme relating to the bid programme


·       In addition the Council will continue to explore other external funding opportunities to complement the above programmes.


3.     Delegated authority to Section 151 Officer, after consultation with the Director of Neighbourhoods to enter into the Right to Buy ring-fence agreement with the GLA.