Issue - decisions

Romford Housing Zone

20/06/2016 - Romford Housing Zone

Councillor Damian White, Cabinet member for Housing, introduced the report


Cabinet was reminded that on 8 July 2015 it had approved the Romford Development Framework which set a vision for Romford Town Centre as a place for an inclusive and sustainable community which would build on the existing historic context of Romford and capitalise on the opportunity to enhance the town along with the new Crossrail development.


The Framework set out potential new developments and improvements to the environment and physical infrastructure.  Cabinet had also agreed that the Council should take a proactive role to bring these forward.


With the Framework in place, and in the light of the demonstrable progress being made by the Council on the Rainham & Beam Park Housing Zone programme, the Greater London Authority (GLA) invited the Council to submit a proposal for Romford to be granted Housing Zone status.  With the agreement of the Leader, the Council had submitted a proposal and the former Mayor of London announced in March this year that Romford had provisionally been granted Housing Zone Status.  The GLA subsequently confirmed that funding of £34.9m had been earmarked for Romford subject to the process set out in the report before Members.  


The Romford Development Framework (RDF) supported residential led schemes providing high quality urban living for a new economically active community alongside enhanced infrastructure to serve existing and new residents.  Housing Zone status and funding would enable the Council to unlock or accelerate the delivery of three residential led schemes in Romford, to improve access from the west of the town, and also encourage investment by the private sector.  The Romford Housing Zone programme would make a substantial contribution to meeting the London Plan target of an average of 1,170 new homes in Havering each year in the decade 2015 and 2025.


As with the Cabinet report for the Rainham Housing Zone considered by Members last year, the current report sought Cabinet approval to enter into an Overarching Borough Agreement with the GLA for the Romford Housing Zone.  Cabinet was also asked to support the principle of development at Bridge Close, the Waterloo Road Estate and Angel Way subject to future Cabinet reports.


To improve the environment and access to the Town Centre and in line with the Romford Development Framework, Cabinet was asked to support the preparation of detailed proposals to create an ‘east- west’ pedestrian and cycle access linking Waterloo Road with Romford Station, together with improved access points across the ring road. 


The Council had a longstanding policy commitment through its adopted planning and regeneration policies to enhance Romford’s status as a metropolitan centre and improve the retail and leisure offer.  Increased residential living would support this objective.  The Council recognised community infrastructure would need to be delivered alongside housing and the Housing Zone governance arrangements would monitor and support that intent as well as the Housing Zone programme. 


Reasons for the decision:


The Housing Zone programme gave access to significant investment to accelerate the delivery of Members’ objectives set out in the Romford Development Framework.


Other options considered:


Not entering into the Overarching Borough Agreement – REJECTED. The Council had satisfied the GLA that the housing schemes within the Romford Housing Zone would not come forward as outlined without financial support.  These schemes would make a significant contribution to meeting housing need and the target set for Havering in the London Plan.  Not to proceed with these schemes would increase the pressure for housing elsewhere in the Borough.  Not to proceed with plans for the construction of the pedestrian and cycle link from Waterloo Road to Romford Station and the town centre would be a missed opportunity to enhance access for existing residents as well as the occupiers of new developments.




1.         Agreed to the borough entering into the Overarching Borough Agreement with the Greater London Authority in respect of the Romford Housing Zone.  


2.         Delegated to the Leader, Cabinet Member for Housing and the Section 151 Officer the authority to approve individual funding agreements.


3.         Agreed to the establishment of the Romford Housing Zone Delivery Board and governance arrangements as set out in Section 6 of the report, and requested officers to arrange twice-yearly briefings for all Members to include consideration of the overall programme of development and the implications for Council services.


4.         Agreed to the principle of repaying recoverable grant to the GLA through S106, Community Infrastructure Levy contributions and receipts from the sale of land arising from developments in the Housing Zone.  The terms of any repayment to be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Section 151 Officer


5.         Agreed to the principle of new development at Bridge Close noting that the business rationale is subject of a separate report.


6.         Requested the Head of Economic Development in conjunction with other services to prepare a report for Cabinet on future parking arrangements for the town centre to meet the requirements of businesses and visitors and, subject to that, report on options for the redevelopment of the Angel Way Car Park and adjacent land. 


7.         Authorised the Director of Neighbourhoods and the Director of Housing, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Housing, to evaluate options for new residential development and community facilities within the Waterloo Road estate and take the necessary action to prepare a Masterplan, initiate procurement and formulate proposals for consideration by Cabinet.  


8.         Authorised the Head of Economic Development to prepare, in conjunction with other services, detailed plans and business cases for a new pedestrian and cycle route from Waterloo Road to Romford Station, enhancement of the entrance to the southern entrance to the Station, and other linkages connecting  the west of Romford to  the Station and Town Centre.  The approval of proposals and any funding applications are to be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Regulatory Services and Community Safety.


9.         Confirmed the Council’s commitment to consult with those who might be affected by the Housing Zone proposals and officers were to include the outcome of consultation in reports to Members.


16/06/2016 - Romford Housing Zone