Issue - decisions

oneSource Transformation Update

25/02/2015 - oneSource Transformation Update

The report before Members looked at the transformation projects being undertaken to deliver the oneSource savings as outlined in the shared service business case approved by both councils.


The report outlined the processes used for transforming services within oneSource and provides an update on progress to date.


Joint Committee Members were informed that there would be a delay in the Democratic Services transformation review. The review, unlikely to commence before the summer of 2015, would be led by the Interim Director of Legal and Governance Services in consultation with Lead Members / Leader / Mayor once the Legal Services review had been finalised and implemented.


A number of Members commented that they would like greater involvement in the process with more input and ownership of the transformation programme. Officers reminded Members that such functions had been delegated by both Councils to management. Officer would provide Members with a separate briefing on the operation of the transformation review process and were to be included as part of the distribution list for emails which were issued to staff on oneSource matters.


The Joint Committee NOTED progress on delivering the required savings from oneSource in 2014/15.