Issue - decisions

Approval to convert 10600 street lights in roads across the borough to more energy efficient LED lights

25/09/2014 - Approval to convert 10600 street lights in roads across the borough to more energy efficient LED lights.<br/><br/>

Cabinet agreed


1.            That the Service proceeded to tender for the purchase of 10,600 LED lanterns and the conversion of 10,600 existing street lights across the borough. 


2.            In principle, to apply for the maximum interest-free loan available under the Salix Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme (SEELS) of £1.4 million to part fund the project.


3.            The addition of a capital scheme to the value of £2.7m to the Council’s Capital Budget for 2015/16, as detailed in the Financial Implications, paragraph 7 of the report and to refer this recommendation to full Council.


4.            To delegate award(s) of the contract(s) set out at (1) above to the Group Director of Culture, Community and Economic Development.


5.            To the undertaking of small-scale trials of dimming street lights during hours of low movement on selected roads to assess the suitability and benefit of adopting a dimming regime.