Committee details

Individuals Overview & Scrutiny Sub-Committee

Purpose of committee

The Individuals Overview and Scrutiny Sub Committee undertakes the Council’s scrutiny function with regard to adult social care services, which looks after elderly and vulnerable residents and safeguards those at risk. In general, the Committee is able to look at any issue involving social care services for adults in the borough.


The Committee’s focus is strategic and policy-orientated, which means that it isn’t the place to consider individual complaints or concerns. However, the Committee does look at how the Council is caring for its frail and elderly population. It can question Cabinet members, officers and other organisations to ensure that the borough looks after the vulnerable.


Specific areas that the Committee is tasked with scrutinising include but are not exclusive to: 


·         Personalised services agenda

·         Adult Social Care

·         Diversity

·         Social Inclusion

·         Scrutiny of relevant aspects of the LAA

·         Councillor Call for Action




The Committee is keen to hear of any matters that residents feel could be examined by scrutiny. If you would like scrutiny to consider any area please let us know using the form on our main website, if it is something the Committee can help with we will let you know.




Topic Groups


Occasionally, the Committee will deem that some issues require an in-depth investigation. The Committee will then form what are called ‘topic groups’, formed of a smaller number of councillors to meet with residents, service providers, outside experts and professionals to explore how services work and consider ways of improving them.


In the past, the Committee has undertaken topic groups on a range of matters, some of which are listed below:


·         Dementia

·         Dial a Ride




  • Carole Howard   
  • Ian Buckmaster   

Contact information

Support officer: Luke Phimister 01708 434619. Email:

Phone: 01708 434619
