Agenda item


Report attached



The Committee considered a report that outlined the responses received to the informal consultation and the advertised proposals for the creation of a new permit parking zone (RV1), and the introduction of waiting restrictions and Pay and Display parking provision in the Rainham Ward.


The report detailed that about 1200 questionnaires were delivered in the area with a closing date of 7 November 2014. From the 158 responses that were received back, 112 respondents were in favour of the proposed scheme and 46 were against.


Out of the 112 responses in favour of the proposals, 81 were in favour of resident parking, 6 in favour of business parking and 21 in favour of just waiting restrictions (yellow lines) and the remaining respondents did not specifically outline a preference. 


The report informed Members that following the informal consultation, and based on the collected data, officers had produced an appropriate design and formally consulted.  The proposals were designed in consultation with the Ward Members and stakeholders and had been advertised. Residents and businesses in the immediate area of the proposed scheme were formally consulted by letter with a closing date of 20 March 2015; site notices were also placed throughout the area.


Officers’ also held a consultation drop in session at Rainham Library, between 9.30am and 7.30pm on Wednesday 4 March 2015, to deal with residents’ questions. It was noted that the session was well received with approximately 100 residents attending.


The report detailed that this part of Rainham Village was within walking distance of the National Rail Station (Rainham). Local residents faced daily issues with obstructive and inconsiderate parking, which was a particular issue in Melville Road and Cowper Road.  Traffic and Parking Control received frequent complaints relating to commuter parking in these roads.  Residents’ difficulties were further compounded because off-street parking to the front of properties was not an option for many as gardens were insufficient in size to accommodate off-street parking. Residents therefore had a greater demand for on-street parking, as kerb space was further reduced by commuter parking.  This had led to a high level of complaints and requests for parking restrictions in the area, which was further supported by the comments made during both the informal and formal consultations.  Furthermore, enforcement could not be carried out due to the lack of restrictions.


The proposals were designed to enhance the area by significantly increasing the available kerb space for all residents and visitors and limiting long term non-residential parking. 


From the feedback officers received at the drop in session at Rainham Library and the responses received from the consultation, it was clear to officers that the residents of Cowper Road and Melville Road favoured implementation of the scheme which would improve traffic flow, limit commuter parking and make further parking provision for residents and visitors.  Residents in the other roads consulted did not support the scheme.


The Council had set out in the recent budget strategy an increase to permit parking charges, which were subsequently agreed and where these changes would be reflected in the made Traffic Management Order.  These charges were as follows:



Resident & Business permits charges

Residents permit per year

1st permit £25.00, 2nd permit £50.00,

3rd permit and any thereafter £75.00

Business permit per year

Maximum of 2 permits per business £106.58 each

Visitors permits

£1.00 per permit for up to 4 hours

(sold in £12.50 books of 10 permits)



In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a member of the public who resided in Melville Road and spoke in favour of the scheme.


The resident informed the Committee that she and other residents in Melville Road and Cowper Road had suffered disrespectful and obstructive parking from commuters using the rail station.


During a brief debate, a Member stated that he was in support of the proposal in the report as he was aware of the daily parking problems when accessing and egressing properties in Melville Road and Cowper Road.


The Committee RESOLVED:


  1. To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Environment that:


  1. the proposal to introduce a residents parking provision in Cowper Road and Melville Road, operational between 8:30am – 6:30pm Monday – Saturday as shown on the drawing contained within Appendix 1 of the report be implemented as advertised;


  1. all other elements of the advertised proposals shown on the drawing contained within Appendix 1 of the report be abandoned;


  1. the effects of any agreed proposals be monitored


  1. The estimated cost of implementing the proposals as described and shown on the attached plan was £3,000 including advertising costs. This would be funded from the 2015/16 Minor Parking Schemes budget.


Supporting documents: