Agenda item


Report attached


The report before the Committee detailed responses to a consultation for the provision of fully accessible bus stops along Clockhouse Lane.


The report informed the Committee that improvements to the bus stop environment such as raised kerbs, relayed footway surfaces, providing short footway links to stops would help with making bus stops fully accessible to all people. The introduction of bus stop clearways improved the accessibility of bus stops by providing sufficient space for buses to pull in close to the kerb.


The proposals for accessibility improvements had been developed for various bus stops along stops along Clockhouse Lane:



Drawing Reference


Description of proposals




Chase Cross Road

Opposite North Romford Community Centre


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area


Remark bus stop clearway





Chase Cross Road

Outside North Romford Community Centre


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area


Remark bus stop clearway





Burland Road


Outside 95 Clockhouse Lane


35metre 24 hour bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area


Section of footway parking to be removed




Burland Road


Outside 70-72 Clockhouse Lane


35metre 24 hour bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area


Section of footway parking to be removed




Larchwood Close

Outside 110-112 Clockhouse Lane


29metre 24 hour bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area


Tighter kerb radius leading into Larchwood Close with uncontrolled crossing facility





Larchwood Close

Outside 125-127 Clockhouse Lane


37metre 24 hour bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated


footway works provided at bus boarding area


Section of footway parking to be removed


Tighter kerb radius leading into Larchwood Avenue with uncontrolled crossing facility




Hunter’s Close


Outside 172-174 Clockhouse Lane


51 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Lay-by entry/ exit tapers adjusted




Hunter’s Grove

Outside 1 Hunter’s Grove


17metre 24 hour bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area


The report detailed that at the close of public consultation on 29 June 2015, five respondents commented on the proposals.


London Travelwatch supported the proposals whilst a resident of Hunters Grove requested for a discounted vehicle access be provided as part of the works and expressed anticipation that the works would not damage their garden wall.


The Collier Row Methodist Church requested that the stop currently outside 95 Clockhouse Lane (drawing QO001-OF-A172&A173-A) be relocated outside the church between the car park access and No.77 with footway parking removed to improve access to the church.


The Committee noted that following the response from by the Collier Row Methodist Church, officers undertook to amend the proposals for the northbound stop currently outside 95 Clockhouse Lane (drawing QO001-OF-A172&A173-A) and re-consulted an alternative proposal.


By the close of the consultation, three responses were received. London Buses indicated that the alternative location was preferable. A resident objected to the accessibility works at the existing and alternative location. The resident was of the view that the stop was infrequently used and the reduction of parking spaces was detrimental to residents of Clockhouse Lane, the surrounding streets and coaches including delivery vehicles that serviced the school. Another resident preferred the alternative location as they considered that the current site did not have parking issues outside of school times. It was  also commented that the bus clearway for the alternative location was too long.


In officers’ view, as there was no proposed change to the footway parking arrangement and considered that there was no reason to offer a discounted rate vehicle cross-over access as requested by the resident and there was no expectation that the garden wall would be damaged.


Further to the comments from the first consultation and the response from London Buses during the second consultation, officers’ recommended that the alternative proposal shown on drawing QO001-OF-A172 Opt 2-A be implemented.


The report outlined officers’ comment with regards a resident response to the stops outside 95 and 70/72 (drawing QO001-OF-A172&A173-A) about clearways, compatibility with kneeling buses and design issues.  Members noted that that the proposals were appropriate and given that buses served areas of population, accessible stops were required in residential areas.


Officers’ were of the opinion that the proposals be implemented, including the alternative option for the stop outside the Collier Row Methodist Church as shown on drawing QO001-OF-A172 Opt 2-A as it presented a better layout in terms of proximity to the junction, although some parking would be removed in order to for an appropriate length of bus clearway be installed.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a resident who spoke against the scheme.


The resident spoke against the proposals to relocate the bus stop from outside No.95 to outside the Methodist Church (drawing QO001-OF-A172 Opt 2–A). He stated that the stop was poorly used and the loss of parking spaces was detrimental to residents of Clockhouse Lane, the surrounding streets and coaches including delivery vehicles serving the school.


During general debate, a Member sought clarification about the proposed removal of the footway parking bay outside the church. Officers clarified that the church had requested for the removal of the bus stop on safety grounds. Officers confirmed that even with the removal of the footway parking bay vehicles could still park in the road. A member questioned whether the removal of the parking bay would improve safety.



Another member was of the opinion that the implementation of the scheme should not lead to any loss of parking spaces.



Following debate, the Chairman proposed that the proposals be taken forward with the footway parking bay outside the church retained.


The Committee RESOLVED:


1.            That subject to retaining the footway parking bay outside the church,  recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the bus stop accessibility improvements on Clockhouse Lane and shown on the following drawings attached to the report be implemented:


·         QO001-OF-A170&A171-A (both directions)

·         QO001-OF-A172 Opt 2-A (alternative northbound option)

·         QO001-OF-A172&A173-A (southbound only)

·         QO001-OF-A174&175-A (both directions)

·         QO001-OF-A176&A212-A (both directions)


2.         That it be noted that the estimated cost of £35,000 for implementation (all sites) would be met by Transport for London through the 2015/16 Local          Implementation Plan allocation for Bus Stop Accessibility.



Supporting documents: