Agenda item


Report attached


The Committee considered a report that outlined the responses received to a consultation to close Hubbards Close to motorised traffic at its junction with the A127 Southend Arterial Road on an experimental basis using an Experimental Traffic Order.


The report informed the Committee that officers had discussed the proposals with the emergency services who had confirmed that they had no objections to the Experimental Traffic Order and that they would avoid using Hubbards Close as a matter of routine.


The closure would be of a physical nature such as concrete barriers or manhole sections filled with concrete together with appropriate signage.  In addition, advance warning signs would be installed along the westbound carriageway of the A127 to inform drivers about the road closure subject to the approval by Transport for London (Road Space Management Directorate) as the A127 was under their jurisdiction.


Members noted that approximately 662 letters were delivered in the consultation area to those potentially affected by the impact of the experimental closure with a closing date of 19 June 2015. Notices were also installed on site to give interested persons an opportunity to provide their views on the proposals.


The report detailed that the ward councillors, Committee Members and statutory consultees such as London Buses, the Emergency Services, Transport for London (Road Space Management) and other interest groups were also consulted. 


At the close of the consultation, twenty-six responses had been received. The responses were summarised in the report. The results indicated that 73% of respondents (19 respondents) were in favour of the closure whereas 23% were against the closure (6 respondents).  One respondent did not give a preference either way.


The comments of the respondents had raised issues that varied by location in the consultation area depending on the impact they experienced. Most residents of Hubbards Close and Hubbards Chase wanted a permanent closure. Many residents considered that permanent closure would provide safety for the local residents, for school children particularly when walking to and from school and overcome the long standing rat-running traffic issue. The Emerson Park & Ardleigh Green Residents’ Association and the local Neighbourhood Watch had expressed support for the proposals.


Some residents responded by e-mail and had not included their postal addresses and so staff were not able to gauge their location.


Those who objected to the scheme raised a number of issues such as the problems being caused by the traffic signals at Ardleigh Green which needed changing; that the scheme would force the commercial operators in Hubbards Close to access via the County Park Estate; that the Council had over-estimated the problem; that the closure should be somewhere else and that a gate should be provided so commercial operators could have a key.


In officers’ view the experimental closure would allow the scheme to be tested and experienced in order to monitor and assess whether any of the concerns proved to be a reality and staff would work with any residents having real issues to see if they could be dealt with during the experimental period.


Members noted officers’ comments that a physical closure was relatively simple and much safer than access by a permit-holder system. The report also detailed that a closure elsewhere would still risk attempted access by through traffic and some drivers of larger vehicles may attempt to reverse back onto the A127. 


Officers were of the view that that the experimental closure to motorised traffic be recommended for implementation.


During the debate, a member commented that the right of way was well established and people would only use it in exceptional circumstances.   It was stated that the road was legitimately used by people seeking to escape traffic congestion on the A127. It was noted that works to the Ardleigh Green railway bridge would start after the end of the experimental period. A member questioned whether it was best to make a decision on the experimental traffic order prior to the commencement of the works to the railway bridge.


A member stated that the Council should have been making representations to TfL to deal with the potential congestion linked to the bridge works. A member stated that a regular cause of congestion on the A127 was the regular damage to the traffic signals by right turning (U-turning) traffic. Officers confirmed that the scheme had been reported to HAC previously.


A member sought clarification on the experimental process which was confirmed as inviting formal objections within 6 months of starting the trial and that a decision to keep or remove the closure had to be made within 18 months of starting the trial.


A member commented that the issue concerning the traffic signals at Ardleigh Green needed to be addressed first. It was also stated that the condition of the road meant that people would not use it unless they had to and that one-way directional traffic might be an option.


Members also noted the potential adverse impact that the closure could have on local businesses such as the Giggly Pig and Fortune Farm Company and that the closure should be considered at a different location.


A member commented that the road was not designed for larger vehicles and the scheme should go ahead, possibly before the implementation of the TFL works, to see what residents thought.


The Committee was informed that officers had received a letter challenging the highway status which would need to be addressed before any decision was made by the Cabinet Member.


By a vote of 10 in favour to 1 abstention the Committee RESOLVED:

1.         That the Committee having considered the report and the representations made recommends to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the Experimental Traffic Order to close Hubbards Close to motorised traffic be made, subject to prior confirmation of its highway status, at the following location:


·      Hubbards Close, Hornchurch, the northern end at its junction with A127 Southend Arterial Road, located at point 2.8 metres from the southern kerb-line of the westbound carriageway of A127 Southend Arterial Road, Hornchurch. The location was shown on Drawing QL040/50/01.


2.         Noted that formal objections to the Experimental Traffic Order must be made within 6 months of the date of it coming into force and that it may only be in force for a maximum period of 18 months. Staff would bring a further report to the Committee after 6 months so that a recommendation may be made to the Cabinet Member for Environment on whether or not the closure should be made permanent before the experimental period ends.


3.         Noted that should the Experimental Traffic Order be agreed, staff would write to all those within the consultation area to provide an update and explain the next stage of the process going forward.


4.         Noted that given the concerns expressed about the narrow widths of the roads in the County Park Estate and the potential inconsiderate parking, that the Head of Streetcare in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment may consider additional experimental measures for parking restrictions at those locations should the need arise.


5.         Noted that the estimated cost of £5,000 for implementation would be met from the Council’s Revenue Budget allocated for Minor Safety Schemes.



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