Agenda item

oneSource Delegations


Councillor Roger Ramsey, Leader of the Council, introduced the report


Cabinet was reminded that upon the establishment of the oneSource Joint Committee and the implementation of joint services, both Councils had delegated similar functions to the Joint Committee.  These separate delegations had been reviewed and brought together into a single scheme of delegation suitable for approval by both Councils.  The joint scheme of delegation would make it easier for both Councils and for the Joint Committee to appreciate the precise extent of what was delegated and what had been retained.


Reasons for the decision:


To enable oneSource to operate more efficiently by having the same functions delegated by both Councils in similar terms.


Alternative Options Considered


None.  The only alternative option had been not to delegate afresh and for matters to continue on the current basis.


Cabinet accepted the report and agreed that the executive functions in Appendix 3 to the report be delegated to the oneSource Joint Committee; and Referred to Council for approval the remaining functions listed in Appendix 3 to the report which should also be delegated to the oneSource Joint Committee.


Supporting documents: