Agenda item



The report before Members detailed responses for the provision of fully accessible bus stops along Collier Row Lane.


The proposals for accessibility improvements had been developed for various bus stops along Collier Row Lane as set out in the following table:


Drawing Reference


Description of proposals



Outside Tesco


Existing bus stop clearway to be extended to zig zag markings





Outside the Bell & Gate Public House


31metre bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area



Opposite the Bell & Gate Public House


31metre bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area



Outside 175 – 177


37metre bus stop clearway

140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area



Outside 162-168


37metre bus stop clearway

140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area


The report detailed that at the close of public consultation on 27 April 2015, four responses had been received.


Two residents had objected to the proposals for the northbound stop outside 171 to 179 Collier Row Lane as shown on Drawing QN008-OF-A11-A12-A, raising the following issues:


·         Clearway would make it difficult to access premises,

·         Concern about buses pulling up close to premises,

·         Loss of parking [2-wheel footway parking],

·         Residents being penalised for living on a bus route,

·         Failed to see point of scheme as few buses use stop,

·         Poor driving/ behaviour from bus drivers,

·         Footway not wide enough for bus stop,

·         Volume of traffic makes it hard to pull onto driveway,

·         Bus stop is in an unsafe location,

·         Too many accidents and near misses,

·         Scheme will flood property,

·         Unhappy with red road across property,

·         Impact on visitor parking,

·         Impact on personal parking and security of vehicles if cannot be outside premises,

·         Bus stop should be placed elsewhere.


The report detailed that Councillor Frost had raised concerns on behalf of residents at 171 to 179 Collier Row Lane about the effect of raising the footway and its effect on accessing their premises.


The Committee noted officer comment that staff were generally reluctant to propose the relocation of a bus stop because of the impact on residents not currently affected and the likely objections arising, but where accessibility or safety was considered better at an alternative location, such an alternative would be explored. The Committee had noted that this would require a fresh consultation process to be undertaken.


The report stated that the proposals for 171 to 179 did not seek to alter the vehicle crossings to the properties but to make adjustments to the footway which was currently used for the passenger waiting area.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a local resident who spoke against the scheme. The resident raised concern about the northbound bus stop shown on Drawing (A09/A10-A – northbound), which is sited in close proximity to the driveway of his property. The primary concerns raised by the resident resulted from buses stopping at the stop for several minutes at a time which either completely blocked the resident’s driveway or impeded line of site when exiting the driveway, particularly when making left hand turns. The speaker suggested that the bus stop should be moved further away from his driveway.


During the debate members considered the possibility of moving the bus stop; a Member suggested that the length of the zig-zags on the approach to the adjacent crossing should be reduced and the bus stop moved further north. Officers informed the committee that it was not appropriate to reduce the number of zig-zags on the approach to a crossing on grounds of safety arising from pedestrian visibility.


Members received confirmation that the bus stop is not a turnaround stop and as such there was no reason for buses to stay longer than necessary to allow passengers to board or alight


During the debate on the bus stop shown on drawing QN008-OF-A11-A12-A (Northbound) members received clarification on the whether the length of clearway proposed could be shortened to retain the existing footway parking bay outside No.171 Collier Row Lane. Officers confirmed that the clearway could be reduced to ensure the retention of the parking bay.



Taking three separate votes the Committee RESOLVED:


1.            To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the bus stop accessibility improvements on Collier Row Lane set out in the report and shown on the following drawings be  implemented:


·         QN008-OF-A08-A

·         QN008-OF-A11-A12-A (Southbound)


2.            Following a motion to defer to enable officers to review the possibility of relocating the bus stop to an alternative location the Committee RESOLVED to defer a decision on the bus stop accessibility improvements on Collier Row Lane set out in the report and shown on drawing QN008-OF-A09/A10-A – (northbound).


The vote was 10 in favour and 1 abstention. Councillor Patel abstained from voting.


3.            Following a motion to reduce the length of bus stop clearway to ensure the retention of the existing footway parking bay outside No.171 Collier Row Lane the Committee RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the bus stop accessibility improvements on Collier Row Lane set out in the report and shown on the following drawing be implemented:


·         QN008-OF-A11-A12-A (Northbound)


The vote was 10 in favour. Councillor Frost left the chamber and took no part in the vote as he had made representations on behalf of residents during the course of the consultation process for this specific scheme.


That it be noted that the estimated cost of £15,000 for implementation (all sites) would be met by Transport for London through the 2015/16 Local             Implementation Plan allocation for Bus Stop Accessibility.

Supporting documents: