Agenda item



The application before Members detailed an application to demolish an existing retail pavilion, Erection of a two-storey drive-through restaurant (688sqm) in use classes A3 and A5, Erection of a stand-alone, single storey commercial building to provide 107sqm in Use Class A1 and/or A2 and/or A3, Erection of a welfare building for use by bus drivers (33sqm), Erection of a stand-alone refuse and recycling storage building (15sqm) and re-arrangement and re-provision of a bus interchange.


Members noted that the application had been called in by Councillor Frederick Thompson on the grounds of:


Additional traffic and noise due to 24 hour opening would could impact on Waterloo Road residents, especially from unnecessarily loud music

Additional littering in the bus area at night

Light pollution from illuminated signs

Extra congestion during daylight hours on roundabout blocking A118.

Delivery vehicles may also lead to queues due to difficulties in accessing site

Could encourage dangerous traffic movements connected with bus egress


Members were advised that a letter of representation had been received from Councillor Joshua Chapman objecting to the scheme on the grounds of the 24 hour opening, loitering and increased litter.

In accordance with the public speaking arrangements the Committee was addressed by an objector with a response from the applicant’s representative.


The objector commented that the A118 ring road was a main TfL route through the town centre that already suffered from gridlocking on occasions. The objector also commented that noise and air pollution would rise from increased vehicle movements and that the opening times of the restaurant and drive-thru were excessive.


In reply the applicant’s representative commented that the development was replacing a similar suite of uses in the area, that the Council’s streetcare Department had not objected and TfL recommendations regarding traffic movements had been incorporated into the designs and that the effects on air quality had been assessed and considered acceptable.


With its agreement Councillor Frederick Thompson addressed the Committee.


Councillor Thompson commented that there would be an impact on the residents living in Waterloo gardens and instances of loud music, littering and vehicle movements would harm resident’s amenity. Councillor Thompson also cited possible delivery vehicle movements as being harmful to traffic flow. Councillor Thompson voiced concerns in respect of proliferation of fast food outlets and the adverse affects on health and the light pollution from increased signage and use.


During the debate Members discussed possible increase in noise and pollution and the effect the restaurant could have on the town centre’s limited Police resources.


Members received clarification from officers of the traffic routing system on the site and also discussed the opening times of both the restaurant and drive-thru.


Members paid particular attention to the comments made by the Metropolitan Police Designing Out Crime Officer which had recommended an earlier closing time for the restaurant as opposed to the drive-thru.


Following a motion to approve with additional conditions restricted opening hours for the restaurant and drive through and to provide CCTV which was approved by 7 votes in favour to 4 against it was RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out in the report and to include the following additional condition:


·         Restricting both the restaurant and the drive-through to opening only between 6.30am – 11.30pm on any day.

·         Installation of CCTV.


The votes for the motion and resolution to grant planning permission were both carried by 7 votes to 4.


Councillors Misir, Hawthorn, Ower, Nunn, Whitney, martin and Williamson voted for the resolution to grant planning permission.


Councillors Best, Crowder, Kelly and Wallace voted against the resolution to grant planning permission.