Agenda item



The report before Members detailed the outcome to the formal consultation to introduce a Free Parking bay in Western Avenue, close to its junction with Upper Brentwood Road. This scheme was agreed on the basis that a free parking bay would be installed to reflect those that had been installed in surrounding roads.


Residents perceived to be affected by the scheme were consulted on the proposals. At the close of the consultation on 14 March 2015, nineteen responses were received to the proposals, nine were in favour, seven were against, with three responses being in favour of part of the proposals.


The majority of the respondents to the consultation were in favour of the principle of the proposed parking bay. There were however objections to the proposed location of the bay. A number of residents felt that the location of the proposed bay would be too close to an existing junction making access and egress from the road more difficult.


The report detailed that at its meeting held on 11 November 2014 Members had agreed to the implementation of 10 metres ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions on all four arms of the junction of Western Avenue and Upper Brentwood Road. These restrictions together with a Single Yellow Line along the road had since been implemented.


Data from Crashmap and TFL indicated that a minor accident had been reported in 2011. A further accident had recently taken place in the vicinity of the newly implemented ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions.


The report informed the Committeethat following the comments of residents who resided in this road, staff recommend that further proposals be advertised to extend the existing ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions on the northern side of Western Avenue, at its junction with Upper Brentwood Road, and re-advertise the proposals for the Free parking bay to relocate the bay 5 metres westwards, to accommodate the extension of the double yellow line.  These proposals would require further statutory advertisement.


The report detailed that staff were of the view that the proposed relocation of the free parking bay would mean that the parking bays would be located approximately 2.7 metres away from the vehicular access of no. 537 Upper Brentwood Road, which was considered adequate from the vehicle crossover to prevent obstruction.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a resident who spoke in favour of the principle of the scheme but questioned the proposed location of the bay. The resident stated that spacing between the bay and the junction should be approximately 15 meters for safety. The speaker went on to state that the junction would be improved with the implementation of double yellow lines.


During a brief debate, a member sought clarification on the waiting restrictions at the junction of the road. Members agreed that further consideration should be given to junction protection along each arm of the junction.


The Committee RESOLVED:


To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that:


A.           further proposals be advertised to move the proposed free parking bay 5 metres westwards and to extend the existing ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions, on the northern side of the road by 5 metres.




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