Agenda item


Report attached



The Committee considered a report that sets out responses to the advertised proposals to convert the existing 8:30 to 9:15am & 2:45 to 3:30pm (Monday to Friday) School Keep Clear markings in Lynwood Drive and Clockhouse Lane to 8:00am to 5:00pm (Monday to Friday) inclusive. The proposals also included the introduction of ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions at the junctions of Dominion Drive, Lynwood Close and around the centre island at the junction of Lynwood Drive.


The responses received to the formal consultation along with staff comments were set out in the table appended to the report as Appendix B.


The report informed that sixteen responses, 10.5% returns were received, with nine responses against the proposals and seven responses in favour of the proposals.


Traffic and Parking Control received an email from the Metropolitan Police Safer Neighbourhoods PSCO Havering Division stating that that the school had actively tried to deter parents from parking outside the school, without success. They also stated that the existing School Keep Clear markings operational times were of an insufficient duration due to the school now having nursery facilities and after school clubs that do not finish until 6pm.


The changes to the School Keep Clear restrictions were considered to be very important to the operation of the school site and for the safety of pedestrians and visitors, in particular children.  The effect of the prohibition of stopping outside schools would be to impose School Keep Clear, no stopping restrictions operative between 8:00am and 5:00pm Mondays to Fridays in Lynwood Drive and Collier Row Lane. Outside of these hours parking would be permitted therefore, allowing local residents to utilise the kerb space.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a local resident who raised his concern over the introduction of ‘at any time’ restrictions to solve conjunction issues that occur for a limited period at the start and end of the school day. . The resident stated that the implementation of the proposal would have a significant impact on the availability of  parking spaces for residents and visitors. The speaker stated that the scheme would not prevent people driving their children to school. Concerns were also raised that traffic flow would speed up with the removal of parked vehicles adversely affecting safety.


During the debate, a member sought clarification of the origin of the scheme. Officers informed the Committee that the scheme had been requested the local school and the Police to improve safety around schools. A member raised concern on the “At any time” restriction proposed in the area. A member questioned the need for ‘at any time’ restrictions, commenting that he knows the area well and was not aware of any accidents occurring.


The Committee RESOLVED:


  1. To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that:


a)    The operational hours of the existing School Keep Clear markings in Lynwood Drive and Clock house Lane, as shown on the drawing in Appendix A of the report, be amended to operate from 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday inclusive;


b)    The proposed ‘At any time’ restrictions, at junctions, be implemented as shown on the drawing in Appendix A of the report. 


c)    The effects of the scheme be monitored once implemented for a period of six months.


  1. To note that the estimated cost of the scheme as set out in the report was £1500 and would be funded from the 2015/16 Minor Parking Schemes budget.



Supporting documents: