Agenda item


Report attached


The Committee considered a report that set out the responses to a consultation on proposals to improve the traffic flow through the junction of Pettits Lane North/A12 Eastern Avenue East and minor safety measures in Pettits Lane North (north side of A12 Eastern Avenue East), Rise Park.


The report stated that feasibility studies were undertaken when designing measures to improve traffic flow at the junction. Topographical survey and tracing of existing underground services had been undertaken by a specialist contractor.


The report outlined that to avoid the costly diversion of underground statutory services and minimising intake of land, it was proposed that the southbound carriageway of Pettits Lane North be widened. The carriageway widening would commence close to the existing pedestrian island and continue along the eastern kerb line up to the A12. The widening would help to increase the width of the traffic lanes which would improve the turning movements of larger vehicles and hence improve the traffic flow. Further works include altering the existing traffic island situated in the north-east corner of the junction as shown on drawing no. QM035-OF-102. The proposals would involve relocating two street lamp columns, a traffic sign, cutting back overgrown shrubs and where practicable to plant additional trees in the grass verge to improve the landscape.


The report informed the committee that this option wouldhelp to overcome the above safety issues, minimise the intake of the grass verge and avoid expensive diversion of underground services.


At the end of the consultation, one resident had objected to the proposals stating that the scheme would bring traffic close to his property and increase noise levels. A resident had submitted a petition containing 25 signatures of local residents suggesting that the existing widening be extended further to achieve full benefit.


Havering Cyclists supported the measures and had suggested the provision of Advance Stop markings in Pettits Lane North at its junction with the A12. The Metropolitan Police, Romford Fire Station and London Buses fully supported the proposals. A summary of the consultation response was included in Appendix A of the report.


The Committee noted from the report that the objection raised did not carry any significant concerns based on the views provided by Environmental Services.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a local resident who spoke in favour of the scheme stating that he and other residents supported the scheme, but suggested that it should be extended further north towards the bus stop with the pedestrian refuge removed so people could cross at the traffic signals at the junction.


During a brief debate, Members sought clarification on the position of the existing pedestrian refuge and bus stop.


The Committee RESOLVED:


1.         To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the following measures be implemented:


a)         Pettits Lane North, the east side, from a point 22 metres of the southern kerb-line of Pettits Boulevard extending southward for a distance of 62 metres as shown on drawing no. QM035–OF-102.


b)         Provision of KEEP CLEAR markings (in south bound lane only) of Pettits Lane North at its junction with Pettits Boulevard as shown on drawing no. QM035–OF-102.


2.      That it be noted the estimated cost of carrying out the works was £194,000 which included civil engineering works, diversion of existing underground statutory services and traffic management. This would be met by Transport for London through the allocation of Local Implementation Plan for improving the reliability of public transport package.


Supporting documents: