Agenda item

Corporate Plan 2015/16


Councillor Clarence Barrett, Cabinet Member for Financial Management, introduced the report


Cabinet was informed that the Corporate Plan set out the Council’s new mission statement Clean | Safe | Proud and the activities that the Council would undertake to ‘support [its] community’, ‘use [its] influence and ‘lead by example’.  The Corporate Plan pledged that:


·                    Havering would be clean and would care for the environment.

·                    People would be safe, in their homes and in the community.

·                    Its residents would be proud to live in Havering.


In addition, the Council’s new approach would be to “get there, together” by:


·                Supporting its community by spending money on the things that mattered most to residents - like clean, safe streets and protecting people in need.  The Council would support local firms to grow and create jobs and it would energise its towns to improve the quality of life in Havering.

·                Using its influenceto bring more jobs, homes, schools and transport to Havering.  The Council would use its planning powers to balance the growth of business centres with the protection of ‘green Havering’ and its quieter communities.  It would encourage local people to do the right things - keep Havering tidy, be good neighbours and lead healthier lives.

·                Leading by example by running a low-cost Council that respected residents by using their money wisely.  It would work with others to reduce costs; help people to do business with it at any time of the day or night and we would hold itself to the high standards residents expect from it.


Reasons for the decision:


To provide the Council with a Corporate Plan for the forthcoming year based on the new mission statement - Clean | Safe | Proud.


Alternative options considered:


None applicable in this instance


Cabinet approved the Corporate Plan 2015/16


Supporting documents: