Agenda item


Report attached


The Committee considered a report that set out the responses to a consultation for the provision of fully accessible bus stops along Elm Park Avenue.


The report detailed that improvements to the bus stop environment such as raising kerbs, relaying footway surfaces, providing short footway links to stops and (in exceptional circumstances) providing pedestrian crossing facilities could help with making bus stops fully accessible to all people. In some situations, it may be appropriate to build the footway out into the road to provide an accessible bus stop, although this would only be appropriate where carriageways were very wide.


The introduction of bus stop clearways improved the accessibility of bus stops by providing sufficient space for buses to pull in close to the kerb. It was important with the provision of buses in London that were fully wheelchair accessible, because the benefits of low-floor/ kneeling buses were considerably reduced (if not removed) if the bus could not be positioned next to the kerb.


The proposals for accessibility improvements for various bus stops along Elm Park Avenue were set out in the following table


Drawing Reference


Description of proposals




Outside 326 – 328

37metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Reduced radius entering Carfax Road with associated tactile paving.







To be relocated outside 379

Bus stop to be relocated 119m west


37 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area







Outside 347 - 349

Bus stop to remain in same location


37metre bus stop clearway.


Associated footway works provided at bus boarding area





Outside Garages

Bus stop flag to be relocated from outside 245-247 to outside the garages, 26.00m east


37metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Uncontrolled crossing to be made redundant.



8 Broadway Parade


37metre bus stop clearway.





Between 131 & 133

31 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area






Outside 120 & 122

31 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area


Highway tree to be removed






Outside 13 - 15

37 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.




Outside 10 - 12

37 metre bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.




By the close of consultation, 25 responses were received as set out in Appendix I of the report.


The police had no issues and no preference between the two options presented as shown on Drawing QN008-OF-A114/1A; 2A.


With London Buses indicated preference for relocating the stop from outside 349 Elm Park Avenue to 379 Elm Park Avenue (Drawing QN008-OF-A114/1A).


Five residents supported the relocation of the stop from outside 349 Elm Park Avenue to 379 Elm Park Avenue (Drawing QN008-OF-A114/1A).


One resident commented on the proposals for the stop outside 10/12 Elm Park Avenue (Drawing QN008-OF-A119/A120A), requesting that the lamp column holding the bus stop flag be replaced and relocated to the property boundary of 10/12.


The report informed the Committee that Councillors Graham Williamson and Barry Mugglestone and fifteen businesses had objected to the proposals for the bus stop clearway outside Broadway Parade (Drawing QN008-OF-A115/A116A). A 126 signature petition against the proposals was also received via one of the businesses.


In officers view, the proposals to relocate the bus stop from outside 347/349 to 379 (Drawing A114/1-A), was supported by London Buses and five residents supported the proposal.


Officer were of the view that the proposals at 10/12 (Drawing QN008-OF-A119/A120A), the lamp column could be replaced and relocated as requested.


With the proposals for the clearway proposed for the bus stop outside 8 Broadway Parade (Drawing QN008-OF-A115/A116A), the report detailed the following comments from officers:


·                         That this section of Elm Park Avenue was currently restricted with a “no waiting” (single yellow line restriction) which operates Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 6.30pm. Loading is permitted, along with blue badge-holders, but the restriction is not available for general parking, even for a short period. Those parked near the bus stop will prevent buses from pulling in tight to the kerb.

·                         There was a dedicated loading bay on The Broadway, 65 metres from the bus stop in question.

·                         The stop was 100 metres from the preceding stop and 475 metres to the following stop. The current stop serves the shopping area and may be of benefit of users who cannot walk great distances. The stop could be moved further west, but it would be outside other businesses or residents who may raise similar objections. There are also many vehicle accesses which mean that accessible kerb space is limited.

·                         Parking bays would not improve bus stop accessibility if buses cannot get tight into the kerb.

·                         The clearway length was required to enable buses to pull tight into the kerb.

·                         Businesses were notified of the proposals with hand-delivered letters.

·                         Buses operate just under 21 hours a day at this stop and it was unlikely the road space was needed in the early hours of the morning.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a representative of businesses on Elm Park Avenue spoke against the proposed clearway outside Broadway Parade. She raised concern that the stop’s proximity to the previous one. It was also suggested that a stop should be provided to the west to close the gap with the following stop.


She considered the clearway as being a feature which would prevent deliveries and evening parking for local restaurants. Dragging trolleys from the loading bay in Broadway was too far and would be noisy for residents above the shops.


During a brief debate a member acknowledged the benefit of bus stops directly serving shops and shoppers. It was suggested that making provisions for a parking layby and keeping the stop in its current position.


A Member was of the view that the previous stop was only 100 metres away and the following nearly 500 metres and in his view a relocation west bound would be better.


A Member commented that any proposal that would benefit shops and businesses was favourable with her.


Following the debate it was RESOLVED:


·         To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the bus stop accessibility improvements on Elm Park Avenue set out in this report and shown on the following drawings (contained within Appendix I) are implemented;


·        QN008-OF-A113A

·        QN008-OF-A114A/1A (option 1)

·        QN008-OF-A115/A116A (eastbound)

·        QN008-OF-A117/A118A

·        A119/A120A


·           That in relation to the proposal shown on Drawing QN008-OF-A115/A116A (westbound stop), the Committee having considered the representations made


(b)     To recommend the proposal be rejected and the Head of Streetcare investigate and consult on an alternative bus stop location


That it be noted that the estimated cost of £22,000 for implementation (all sites) would be met by Transport for London through the 2014/15 Local Implementation Plan allocation for Bus Stop Accessibility.


Supporting documents: