Agenda item


Report attached


The Committee considered a report that set out the responses to a consultation for the provision of fully accessible bus stops along Wennington Road.


The report detailed that improvements to the bus stop environment such as raising kerbs, relaying footway surfaces, providing short footway links to stops and (in exceptional circumstances) providing pedestrian crossing facilities could help with making bus stops fully accessible to all people. In some situations, it may be appropriate to build the footway out into the road to provide an accessible bus stop, although this would only be appropriate where carriageways were very wide.


The introduction of bus stop clearways improved the accessibility of bus stops by providing sufficient space for buses to pull in close to the kerb. It was important with the provision of buses in London that were fully wheelchair accessible, because the benefits of low-floor/ kneeling buses were considerably reduced (if not removed) if the bus could not be positioned next to the kerb.


1.1         Proposals for accessibility improvements have been developed for various bus stops along Cherry Tree Lane as set out in the following table;


Drawing Reference


Description of proposals


Opposite the Post Office

35metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.



Outside the Post Office

37 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.



Property boundary of 88 & 90

21 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.



Outside No 142

37metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Note: Space would be left should number 142 requests a formal vehicle crossing in the future.



Outside No 203

Bus shelter to be relocated to the green area.


35 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Section of footway parking to be removed.


Pedestrian refuge island and associated tactile paving to be renewed.


Note: Space would be left should number 203 requests a formal vehicle crossing in the future.



Opposite No. 296

Bus stop to be relocated 22m south east to opposite No 302.


23 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


New uncontrolled crossing points across Eastwood Drive and Wennington Road.


Access into South Hall Cottages to be formalised.




Outside No 306

25 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.




West of East Hall Lane

Bus stop to be relocated 33m south east (away from give way markings).


25 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


New uncontrolled crossing point.




West of East Hall Lane

New hard standing area with 140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


25 metre bus stop clearway.




From Outside No 3 Kent View to near Halldare Cottage

Bus stop to be relocated 174m west.


31 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.




Opposite No 7 Kent view

New hard standing area with 140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


31 metre bus stop clearway.


New uncontrolled crossing point.




The Green

31 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.




Opposite The Green


New hard standing area with 140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


29 metre bus stop clearway.


New uncontrolled crossing point.




Wennington Hall Farm

31 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.




Wennington Marsh Farm

31 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.




By the close of consultation, seven responses were received.  London Buses had noted that the proposals would improve accessibility although two sites would require passengers walking further to the stops. A resident had also requested a litter bin be provided at the stop outside 88/90 Wennington Road (Drawing QN008-OF-A71-A).


During a brief debate Members discussed the proposed siting of the bus stops and their impact on traffic movements. A Member raised concern on the relocation of a bus stop further away from the village as he felt it the proposed location would be isolated at night. A Member also was of the view there would be a safety issue and the privacy of the resident at the new location but officers were of the opinion that the hedges were high enough to provide privacy at this location. A Member also suggested the retention of public bins where possible.


Following the debate It was RESOLVED:


1.            That the Committee having considered the representations made recommends to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the bus stop accessibility improvements on Wennington Road set out in this report and shown on the following drawings (contained within Appendix I) are implemented;


·         QN008-OF-A69&A70-A

·         QN008-OF-A71-A

·         QN008-OF-A72-A

·         QN008-OF-A73-A

·         QN008-OF-A74&75-A

·         QN008-OF-A76&77-A

·         QN008-OF-A79-A

·         QN008-OF-A80&81-A

·         AN008-OF-A82&83-A


2.         That it be noted that the estimated cost of £55,000 for implementation will be met by Transport for London through the 2014/15 Local Implementation Plan Allocation for Bus Stop Accessibility.


3.         To defer the scheme with reference drawing number QN008-OF-A78-A which proposed relocation of a bus stop from outside to a position out of Wennington Villiage 174m west with a 31 metre bus stop clearway a 140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area was agreed unanimously.



Supporting documents: