Agenda item


Report attached


The report before the Committee detailed responses to the formal consultation proposals to include Western Avenue in the Gidea Park Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ).


The report informed the Committee that following the request from residents an informal consultation was undertaken to gauge resident’s feeling and comments, which was agreed in principle by the Committee at its meeting on 13 August 2013.


At the close of a formal consultation on 2 May 2014, out of the 16 properties in Western Avenue, six responses were received from residents, three responses received did not state their address, while there was one response from a resident of Castellan Avenue and one response from a resident of Upper Brentwood Road. Six residents were in favour of the proposals and five against.


On the 8 August 2014 residents who were perceived to be affected by the proposals, were advised of them by letter and plan. Eighteen statutory bodies were also consulted and site notices were placed at the location.


By the close, 19 responses were received, nine in favour, six against and two in favour of part of the proposals. Responses were appended to the report.

In officer’s view there were more residents in favour of the proposals than against and the issue of parking in the area had been raised several times in the last few years, it was recommended that the proposals be implemented as advertised.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by two residents, one in favour and one against the scheme. The resident who spoke in support of the scheme informed the committee that the volume of traffic in the area had increased which was an evidence of commuter parking including along Western Avenue who were making use of Gidea Park Station. He added that these parking made it difficult for resident accessing and exiting their drive.


The resident who spoke against the scheme stated that any alteration in the area would affect resident and their visitors, he saw no reason for the CPZ request as there was no commuter parking problem but accepted a need for the double yellow line junction protection.


With its agreement Councillor Melvin Wallace addressed the Committee.

Councillor Wallace suggested to the committee that three free parking bays be included on the Upper Brentwood Road side and he supported the junction treatment.


During a brief debate Members made the following comments:


·         That the scheme would only end up pushing the problem along, was concerned that the CPZ approach that was been proposed

·         That the junction protection be implemented under the head of Service delegated powers and carry out the scheme


Following deliberation, it was clarified to the Committee that any amendment to the proposals would require the scheme to be re-advertised.


Members suggested that a request to install free parking bays on the Upper Brentwood road side of the road and Western Avenue be considered and that officers should as appropriate bring this back to Committee if required.


The Committee RESOLVED:


To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that:


A.           Proposals be drafted and publicly advertised to restrict all arms of the Western Avenue junction with Upper Brentwood Road for 10 metres, with ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions and include the road into the Gidea Park Controlled Parking Zone.


B.           Members noted that the estimated cost of the scheme was £2,500 and would be funded from the 2014/15 Minor Parking Schemes budget.


The vote for the proposal was carried by 10 votes to 1.


Councillor Durant voted against the scheme.



Supporting documents: