Agenda item


Report attached


The Committee considered a report that outlined the responses received to the advertised proposals to convert the existing waiting restrictions in Heron Flight Avenue, in the entrance road to St Albans School, to School Keep Clear markings and convert the operational hours to 8am-5pm Monday to Friday.


At its meeting held on the 8 July 2014 the Committee agreed to consult on proposals to convert the existing waiting restrictions in Heron Flight Avenue located in the entrance road to St Albans School, operational from 8:15 - 9:15am & 3:00 - 4:15pm to a School Keep Clear marking operational 8am - 5pm Monday to Friday.


The proposals were subsequently designed with the addition of ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions at the junction of Heron Flight Avenue. The proposals were then publicly advertised on the 8August 2014 to St Albans School and residents that were perceived to be affected, eighteen statutory bodies were also consulted and site notices were placed in Heron Flight Avenue


At the close of the public consultation on 29 August 2014, three responses including a letter from St Albans School were received not in favour of the proposals. A petition signed by 21 residents was received not in favour of the proposals. A summary of the responses was appended to the report.


The main reason for the objections against the proposalswas the reduction in parking spaces for residents and that the school keep clear markings would only be enforceable during the schools opening/closing timesnot all day.


In officers view, the introduction of the School Keep Clear restrictions was considered to be very important to the operation of the school site and for the safety of pedestrians and visitors, in particular children.  The effect of the prohibition of stopping outside schools would be to impose School Keep Clear, no stopping restrictions operative between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondays to Fridays inthe entrance road to St Albans School, Heron Flight Avenue.  Outside of these hours parking would be permitted therefore allowing local residents to utilise this kerb space. 


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a local resident who spoke against the proposal that it would only disperse and move the problem along. He stated that the number of support detailed on the petition highlighted the depth of concern in the area.


With its agreement Councillor Stephanie Nunn addressed the Committee.

Councillor Nunn commented that the proposal would lead to limited parking in the area that already had only one entry and exit point. She stated that the keep clear would reduce parking spaces. She also stated that the operational hours for the signage should be at the opening and closure of the school.


During a brief debate Members discussed the proposal and a Member was of the view that there was a need for traffic monitoring in order to have a clearer idea of vehicle flow. He also stated that the school was against the scheme.

A Member suggested that the proposal be deferred for further information.


Councillor Brian Eagling proposed a deferral and this was seconded by Councillor John Mylod.


The vote to defer the scheme was carried by nine votes to two. Councillors Durant and Wulverton voted against the proposal.


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