Agenda item


Report attached


The Committee considered a report that set out the responses received to the advertised proposals to introduce waiting restrictions in Mashiters Walk (Pettits Ward) which would prevent commuter parking and improve traffic flow.


The report detailed that following reports of commuter parking, the Committee at its meeting in October 2012 agreed in principle to the proposals to implement waiting restrictions between 10am and 11am on an unrestricted section of Mashiters Walk.


The scheme was subsequently designed and publicly advertised in 11 July 2013 and the report outlined the responses received arising from the public consultation which were summarised and appended to the report.


By the close of consultation on the 1 August 2014, eight responses’ were received to the proposals. Five respondents were in favour of the proposals and three respondents against the proposals with the responses as set out in Appendix 2 of the report.


The report outlined officer comment that the proposals were designed to ensure that traffic flow was maintained during traffic sensitive times and to ensure access for Emergency Services and larger vehicles. These proposals would prevent long term commuter parking which should create available kerb space for residents to park outside of the proposed restricted hours.  The report stated that the commuter parking was likely to be caused by the implementation of the restrictions in the Lake Rise and Rosemary Avenue area and therefore Officers recommend that the proposals should be implemented as advertised.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by two speakers, one in favour and one against the scheme. The speaker who spoke against the scheme commended the 20 mph restrictions proposed but was of the view that any further restrictions on Mashiters Walk would be detrimental to the surrounding roads. He also felt that the consultation was not fully carried out, the resident was of the view that commuter parking gave a positive effect on the area.


The local resident who spoke in favour of the scheme stated that she and other resident were totally in support as a result of the commuter parking issues in the area. She requested that the Committee consider changing the restriction time between 1pm and 2 pm.


During a brief debate, a Member asked that it be noted that the need for resident parking bays should come back to committee and members suggested that provision should be made for free parking bays. The committee accepted that there was an issue of parking in the area and suggested that once this scheme was implemented, after six months it be monitored for any amendments.


The Committee was informed that any changes such as a revision to the time restriction and provision of parking bays would require a new consultation in the area.


Following the debate It was RESOLVED that:



1    That the Committee having considered the representations made recommends to the Cabinet Member for Environment that:


  • the waiting restrictions shown on Appendix 1 of the report be implemented as advertised


  •  that the effect of the scheme be monitored after six months


2          Members note that the estimated cost of this scheme as set out in this report is £1000 and can be funded from the 2014/15 Minor Parking Schemes budget.


The vote for the proposal was carried by 10 votes to 1 absention. Councillor Durant abstained from voting.





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