Agenda item


Members are invited to note the Individuals Overview and Scrutiny Committee Topic Group findings and recommendations


Councillor Wendy Brice-Thompson, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services and Health, introduced the report


Cabinet was informed that the report before it contained the findings and recommendations which had emerged after a Topic Group had scrutinised the subject selected by the Committee in October 2012.


Following an Ageing Well Event organised for Members, the O & S Committee wished to understand the impact that housing services had on older people generally, older people with disabilities and vulnerable residents in Havering, together with finding out about services available for these groups and how easily the services could be accessed.  A number of enquiries and studies were undertaken to provide the Committee with answers to these questions and since the Topic Group’s report of its findings, a number of its recommendations, passed back to the services responsible, had been implemented.


Members were asked to note that the environmental, equalities & social inclusion, financial, legal and HR implications and risks were addressed within the Topic Group’s report.


Reasons for the decision:


Under the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, s. 122, Cabinet was required to consider and respond to a report of an Overview and Scrutiny Committee within two months of its agreement by that Committee or at the earliest available opportunity.  In this case, Cabinet was required to do this at its meeting on 24 September 2014, but as it could not be accommodated on that meeting’s agenda, the current meeting was the earliest opportunity for receiving the report.  Cabinet was also required to give reasons for its decisions in relation to the report, particularly in instances where it decided not to adopt one or more of the recommendations contained within it.


Other options considered:


There were no alternative options




Noted the Individuals Overview and Scrutiny Committee Topic Group findings and recommendations, observing that some of the recommendations had already been implemented and


Thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for its excellent work.


Supporting documents: