Agenda item


Cabinet is invited to note developments on the Learning Village and approve, in principle, letting land for the creation of a primary Free School


Councillors Meg Davis, Cabinet Member for Children & Learning and introduced the report and Robert Benham, Cabinet Member for Environment also spoke to it


Cabinet was reminded that the Harold Hill Learning Village had been conceived as part of the Harold Hill Ambitions Programme, which had been agreed by Cabinet in November 2008.


The purpose of the report was to provide an update on delivery and to confirm the Council’s commitment to delivering the Learning Village Vision.  The report also covered the proposed use of Council owned land by the Drapers Multi-Academy Trust for the provision of a primary Free School on the remaining part (now vacant) of the old Kingswood School site.


Reasons for the decision:


            The decision to confirm the Council’s commitment to delivering the Learning Village Vision, including the granting of a lease to Drapers Multi-Academy Trust for the provision of a primary Free School on the old Kingswood School site was necessary to ensure that the original vision of the Harold Hill Learning Village was maintained. 


            Other options considered:


            No other options were considered.




1.            Noted the progress made to date on the Harold Hill Learning Village.


2.             Approved in principle the letting of land in Settle Road to the Drapers Multi-Academy Trust for the creation and operation a new primary Free School on the basis of a 125 year lease at a peppercorn rent, (subject to them securing detailed planning consent for a Free School) and


3.             Delegated authority to the Property Strategy Manager to agree the detailed terms of that lease and to complete the leasing arrangements.


Supporting documents: