Agenda item


Report attached


The report before the Committee detailed the responses received to the informal consultation and the subsequent design and consultation of advertised proposals for the extensions to the Upminster Controlled Parking Zone in Beech Avenue, South View Drive and Fairfield Avenue.


The proposals were to extend the existing controlled parking zone to the currently unrestricted areas of Beech Avenue and Fairfield Avenue with waiting restrictions operational Monday to Friday 08:00am - 09.30am; while introducing a Free parking Bay on the western side of Fairview Avenue at its junction with Park Drive. It was also proposed to extend the existing Monday to Friday 08:00am - 09.30am in South View Drive to the common boundary of Nos. 58 and 60. 


In accordance with the public participation arrangements and with the discretion of the Chairman the Committee was addressed by 2 local residents who spoke in favour of the proposed scheme and 1 local resident who spoke against the proposed scheme.


A resident of South View Drive, speaking in favour of the proposed scheme, stated that inconsiderate commuter parking was having an adverse effect on highway safety, particularly in relation to accessing and egressing front driveway. The resident raised concern over the volume of traffic using the road resulting from its proximity to a local school and by traffic seeking to bypass the town centre.


A second resident speaking in favour of the scheme noted that a significant amount of money had already been spent on the consultation process which revealed that a significant majority of residents favoured implementation. The resident also noted that the scheme was recommended for approval by officers and that further support had been received from the local Member of Parliament.   


A resident of Beech Avenue, speaking against the scheme, explained that the effect of its implementation would be to remove the only available parking provision for some residents. The speaker stated the majority of properties in Beach Avenue do not have driveways or garages requiring residents to park on the street. The resident stated that she did not consider her road to be dangerous. The resident suggested extending the double yellow lines around the corners of junctions and the implementation of resident parking bays.


With the agreement of the Committee, Councillor Linda Hawthorn addressed the Committee. Councillor Hawthorn had explained that the majority of the local residents were in support of the scheme but there was a need to consider the impact of the proposal on  those residents in Beech Avenue who did not have off street parking who may be adversely affected by the scheme.


During the debate members discussed the specific factors affecting Beech Avenue. A member raised specific concerns for those residents of Beech Avenue who lacked an off street parking provision. Members received some clarification from officers on figures for displaced parking in the roads. Members agreed that the roads should be considered on their own merits.


Following a motion that the scheme be implemented as advertised with the addition that the effect on Beech Avenue be reviewed after a period of six months, with consideration given to the implementation of residents parking bays in Beech Avenue the Committee RESOLVED:


1.            To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the following measures detailed in the report and shown on the drawings Appendix 1 and 2 of the report, be implemented:


·         extension of the existing controlled parking zone to the unrestricted areas of Beech Avenue and Fairfield Avenue with the implementation of waiting restrictions operational Monday to Friday 08:00am - 09.30am;


·         introduction of a Free Parking Bay on the western side of Fairview Avenue at its junction with Park Drive;


·         extension of the existing Monday to Friday 08:00am - 09.30am in South View Drive to the common boundary of Nos. 58 and 60.

2.            That the effect of implantation be monitored.


3.            That the specific effects of the scheme in Beech Avenue be reviewed after a period of six months with consideration given to the implementation of residents parking bays in Beech Avenue.


4.            That it be noted that the estimate cost of £3,000 for implementation would be met from the 2014/15 Minor Parking Schemes budget.


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