Agenda item



The report before Members concerned an outline planning application to demolish numbers 16 and 18 Prospect Road to allow for the creation of a new access road and provision of nine new detached dwellings and two replacement dwellings.


Members noted that that the application had been called in by three Councillors.


Councillor Roger Ramsey requested that the application be called in to the Committee, on the grounds of its impact on neighbours and the streetscene.


Councillor Darren Wise requested that the application be called in to the Committee, as the previous proposal had issues regarding overcrowding and insufficient pedestrian access to the site via the access road and this required a more detailed review by the Committee.


Councillor Ron Ower requested that the application be called in to the Committee, due to the previous planning history for the site, the closeness to the Green Belt and possible traffic problems.


In accordance with the public speaking arrangements the Committee was addressed by an objector with a response by the applicant’s agent.


The objector commented that the most distressing aspect of the application was the proposed demolition of numbers 16 and 18 Prospect Road and the impact this would have on the occupants of the adjacent properties, numbers 14 and 20 Prospect Road who were both elderly residents and in poor health. The objector also commented that the occupants of numbers 14 and 20 would be subjected to months of noise, disturbance and stress during the demolition and construction period and asked that the Committee refuse the application on these grounds.


In response the applicant’s agent commented that the proposed development was the same design as application P1119.13 that had been narrowly dismissed on appeal; that the Planning Department were happy with the proposed scheme and recommended its approval. The agent also commented that he understood and appreciated the concerns of neighbouring residents, stating that many of these concerns were not planning issues but would be dealt with under the provisions of the Party Wall Act. The Agent stated thatthe proposed development would be in keeping with the streetscene and did not conflict with any of the Council’s policies.


In their absences both Councillors Roger Ramsey and Darren Wise had submitted written representations that they wished the Committee to consider.


Councillor Ramsey’s representation commented on the aspect of the application which was of most concern to neighbours and residents which was the impact on the elderly neighbours whose bungalows at 14 and 20 Prospect Road were attached to those that were to be demolished and the possible breach of the resident’s Human Rights.


Councillor Wise’s representation concentrated on the proposed access/egress arrangements for the proposed dwellings and the possibility of future flooding of the area due to the removal of existing vegetation.


During the debate Members discussed the limited reasons for the refusal of planning application P1119.13 by the Planning Inspectorate noting that the current application addressed the reason for refusal.


Members noted the level of opposition towards  the proposed development.


Members agreed that whilst a refusal of the application would be difficult to support it was important to ensure  that there was minimal disruption and inconvenience to the residents of numbers 14 and 20 Prospect Road through a methodology for the demolition and reconstruction of 16 and 18 Prospect Road and  further planning conditions.


The report recommended that planning permission be approved, however following a motion to defer the granting of planning permission it was RESOLVED that consideration of the report be deferred to enable officers to consider and/or negotiate the following:


·         the provision of details of full methodology for demolition and reconstruction of the 16 and 18 Prospect Road and for suitable planning conditions to be identified.

·         a reduction to construction hours to 9am – 5pm maximum to provide some respite for the elderly attached neighbours.

·         the demolition and reconstruction of 16 and 18 Prospect Road before commencement of any other part of the development and that a programme for this be secured

·         any Human Rights Act implications


Members also noted that condition 32 of the report should have read “16 & 18” not “14 & 16” and would be amended accordingly.


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