Agenda item


Report attached


The Committee considered a report that set out the responses to a consultation for the provision of fully accessible bus stops along Wingletye Lane.


The report detailed that improvements to the bus stop environment such as raising kerbs, relaying footway surfaces, providing short footway links to stops and (in exceptional circumstances) providing pedestrian crossing facilities could help with making bus stops fully accessible to all people. In some situations, it may be appropriate to build the footway out into the road to provide an accessible bus stop, although this would only be appropriate where carriageways were very wide.


The introduction of bus stop clearways improved the accessibility of bus stops by providing sufficient space for buses to pull in close to the kerb. It was important with the provision of buses in London that were fully wheelchair accessible, because the benefits of low-floor/ kneeling buses were considerably reduced (if not removed) if the bus could not be positioned next to the kerb.


By the close of consultation, 8 responses had been received as set out in Appendix I of the report.


London Buses had raised no concerns generally, but had requested a site meeting with officers to review the stop proposed for outside 68 to 71 Wingletye Lane.


With its agreement Councillor Roger Ramsey addressed the Committee.


Councillor Ramsey commented that several residents had objected to the siting of the bus stop outside of 215-221 Wingletye Lane as the site was on a bend in the road and opposite another bus stop.


During a brief debate Members discussed the proposed siting of the bus stops and their impact on traffic movements.


The Committee RESOLVED:


1)    That having considered the representations made recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that the bus stop accessibility improvements on Wingletye Lane set out in the report and shown on the following drawings (contained within Appendix I) were implemented;


·         QN008-OF-A49-A

·         QN008-OF-A50-A

·         QN008-OF-A51-A

·         QN008-OF-A52-A

·         QN008-OF-A53&54-A

·         QN008-OF-A55&56-A (existing south-bound stop)

·         QN008-OF-A57-A

·         QN008-OF-A58-A


2)    Following a motion that in relation to the proposed bus stop outside 215 to 221 as shown on Drawing QN008-OF-A55&56-A (north-bound stop), the Committee having considered the representations made, RESOLVED that the  proposal was deferred and the Head of Streetcare investigate any other possibilities, noting the general geometry of Wingletye Lane in that location.


That it be noted that the estimated cost of £46,000 for implementation would be met by Transport for London through the 2014/15 Local Implementation Plan allocation for Bus Stop Accessibility.


The vote for the resolution to defer recommendation two was carried by 9 votes to 0 with 2 abstentions.


Councillors Alexander and Wilkes abstained from voting.










Supporting documents: