Agenda item


Outcome of public consultation


The report outlined the responses to a public consultation for proposed additional parking bays in Ravensbourne Crescent and Coombe Road. This report recommended options for implementation or rejection of aspects of the scheme.


Following the meeting of 17 August 2010, the Committee considered a Highways Scheme Application from residents for additional residents’ parking bays in Ravensbourne Crescent and Coombe Road (already being within the Harold Wood CPZ)


The Committee agreed that the Head of StreetCare should proceed with the design and consultation on suitable measures.


The report detailed the proposals. Approximately 130 letters were hand-delivered to residents potentially affected by the scheme with a closing date of 7 January 2011. In addition, the proposals were advertised. The Emergency Services and London Buses were also consulted.


The report summarised the 6 responses received. Three of the responses objected to part of the scheme within the vicinity of their properties, one resident had some concerns with the scheme, one resident was in favour of the scheme and one resident felt that more should be done.


London Buses made no comment on the scheme as no bus routes operated within the vicinity.


The Metropolitan Police Traffic Unit and the London Fire Brigade had no objections to the scheme and no response was received from the London Ambulance Service.


Staff were of the view that the proposed scheme would provide an increase in parking facilities within the area and ease the current parking problems for residents caused by lack of spaces.


Members of the Committee were concerned that some residents were requesting schemes which could lead to problems for other people in the same area. They also were concerned at the low rate of responses for the proposed scheme.


A member was of the view that some “free” bays would be more useful in the area. Officers advised that this would be a fresh idea and so have to go through the full consultation process.


After a brief discussion by the Committee, Councillor Thorpe proposed rejection of the scheme as the response rate was low, this motion was seconded by Councillor Brace.


The Committee having considered the responses and information set out in this report RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that following Recommendation (ii):


·        The scheme be rejected.


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